
A dream of mineMaanantai 29.03.2010 06:50

Tämä on englanniksi, koska uneksin englanniksi, johtuen luultavasti siitä että olin lukenut muutaman kirjan englanniksi ennen tätä:


We came by feet, and there it was; a hill, covered by water. I guess that would've normally been an island, but for some strange reason, it was hill of water.

I was with my mum and my two little brothers. I have a feeling that we came out of the woods, but I'm not really sure what happened there. Everything before this scene was just black, though I had the strong feeling, that I was doing something untill now, even though I did not remember what.

Me and Juhani (my older brother) climbed up as Jyrki (younger) and my mum followed us. After all, we were the fastest in our family. Up on the hill there were some strange animals, which looked kind of like rhinocerus, but there was something different. Juhani passed quickly by the first one, I came after him, hoping it wouldn't get angry and tear me apart. It didn't; all I saw was its great butt, head turned away. Great.

My shoes were in the water, and as I stepped forward, I felt something itchy. Ants? I wasn't sure, but I guess they had to be no normal ants since there was water everywhere. I didn't have time to take of my shoe. It had to be later, so the rhinoceruses wouldn't notice us.

Finally we got to our destination; on a big tower in the middle of the lake. Around the tower the water was really deep, so we had to swim there. I'm not really sure how did we get on the tower, but I guess we kind of... flew? Yes.

There we were, all the four of us, standing on the great tower. Well, it was a high tower, but not actually something you would describe by the word ”great”. It was more like a tower for swimmers, just meant to be jumped down from. And that was what we came to do, wasn't it?

At least Juhani did. He jumped. 14 meters. Then he came back, laughing.

It was my turn. I left my cellphone on the tower so it wouldn't get wet. I jumped. It was actually no big deal, the jumping I mean. The big deal was to stand right next to the edge and look down. I came back and asked to my mum where was my cellphone. She showed me a shelf, which had just appeared there from nowhere. My cellphone was on the shelf, which certainly was a better place to keep it than the ”floor” of this little tower.

We kept jumping, and jumping, and jumping. Hours, I guess. Or at least I did it so many times I don't even remember anymore. Or maybe it was only three. No, I don't know.

Anyway, some guy came there. He wasn't really good looking, and he started to stare at me with eyes full of lust. You got to be kidding me! Why here? I mean, that's the stare I got to see at my work every time!

I looked at Juhani and rolled my eyes. ”He's gotta be an idiot”, I whispered, but the machoman came closer. I looked at him angrily.

”What's your problem? Is this some kind of gazing competition or what?”

”Marry me”, he said and suddenly his arms were around me.

”WHAT???” was all I could say. He jumped down, still holding me. We fell into the water together.

Then comes a scene I don't wanna write here.

After everything, we were on a land, in his bedroom. The great chieves of our clans had decided that we should get married, but he was annoying. I stood up.

”Where are you going?” he asked.

”Away, idiot”, I said and left. He was a bit sleepy, but I guess he tried to come after me... it was too late by then.

I flew. This time I really flew and I remember it clearly. I didn't have any wings or anything like that. I just had the power to fly. I saw the other tower, where the heads of our clans where discussing about me, and that stupid machoman. They thought that it was a problem I had left. I didn't.

I came back to the tower I had left a few days earlier. Mum and my little brothers weren't there anymore, since they had gone back home. I just wanted to get my cellphone back, but the shelf was changed to a small stand where were two japanese girls selling cellphones. Only 1000yen. Cheap!

”Hi, do you happen to know about my cellphone? I left it here a few days earlier”, I said, then describing how my cellphone looked like. They had it. They were willing to give it to me by free, but I rejected the offer and put my hand in my pocket to see if I had any money. A tenner and a 20 euro bill. I gave them the tenner saying: ”It's worth of more than 1000yen, please accept it”. They gave me back 200yen, even though I didn't even know where I could use it.

A bouncer from my work came to me, asking how was I doing. I started complaining about that stupid machoman trying to force me to marry him. There was a line of customers getting new cellphones, and they happened to be also the customers from my work. One of them got closer to me smiling this i'm-so-funny-and-clever-and-i-know-everything-smile I always recognize at work. They usually weren't funny at all. Plus that they were stupid and knew nothing.

”We should have a guy here who could bring that machoman down”, he said, blinking an eye.

”I did it already”, I answered, turned to the bouncer and kept chatting with him. He asked me to dance and I said I'd dance only with girls. He touched me and absorbed my DNA, then changed into me. Yeah, I had almost forgotten we could morph!

We danced for a while there, but decided to go to a night club then. The beat would be faster there! We were on a ship anyways, and on a ship you msut go dancing to the night clubs. It's an unwritten rule that must not be broken.

We were holding hands while walking there, me and me. Even thought the other me was actually the bouncer. Before the stairs leading down, he changed into a young buy. He wasn't the bouncer anymore, but just a boy from my school. He looked familiar and I knew him, but I can't remember anymore who he was.

There were only a few people downstairs, sitting on the sofas. No lights. The music was quiet. I looked at the otherside and there was only a couple kissing. What a lame party!

The guys sitting on the sofas were my colleagues. There were also two of my neigbours. They were in their seventies and had to be tired, since it was around 2am.

We asked if the other people would come to a bar with us to drink one before going back to the cabins. My neighbour just said his husband had to go to sleep at his place or at her place, which, I assume, meant that they had to go back to the cabins.

The other people followed us to the bar. We had fun. I woke up and felt that everything was clear now; I had solved all the problems in my mind. I felt refreshed. Nice. The last answer was: the bar.

Why did I see a dream like this?
1.I've been reading animorphs. Rhinocerus and morphing could be explained by that.
2.My best friend told me she went swimming just the other day. I wanted to go too, so I went... in a dream.
3.My Finnish homework was about a romantic poem. There is a woman who was going to marry I man who never said ”no” to her... But another man interrupted their wedding, took her with him and never asked ”yes” or ”no” and she fell in love with him. But I didn't fell in love with my machoman so I guess I'm a bit different. Yes, everybody was actually calling him ”a machoman” in my dream.
4.The ants because of the few ants that have appeard in my room now that its getting closer to the summer. I really hate them...
5.The bouncer because we were talking about ”Keijo The Bouncer” with my colleagues one night...
6.We are also going on a ship with my colleagues, so this dream was about that....
7.I love dancing, so I was dancing in this dream.

Yeah. I guess that's pretty much it.

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