


fly high above the fear of your mind

tylsä aamu :DKeskiviikko 03.06.2009 11:35

Your answers for the Crush Survey

Do you have a crush on someone?

Do you talk to him/her everyday?
no :(

Do you talk about them to your friends?

Does your crush like you?
i hope so :)

Do you think about him/her?
of course :)

How long have you liked your crush?
for a year now

Is your crush handsome/beautiful?
i think that he is handsome

Do you dream about your crush?

Do you like hearing their voice?
yes :)

Do you like recieving text messages from them?
YES :)

Do you like their laugh/giggles?
yes again :)

When you see them, are you shy?
very shy, too bad:(

One day will you be with him/her?
yes, of course!:)

If you could tell them how you felt about him/her, would you?
don't think so

Do you have pictures of your crush?

Do you get jealous when he/she talks to the opposite sex?
it depends

Are you comfortable around your crush?
very comfortable

What do you think about his/her clothing style?
it's ok i guess

Will you wait for him/her, to be yours?
maybe :)

How was this survey you guys?

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