
Fabulous ft. Akon - Change UpTorstai 21.02.2008 15:31

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 08.02.2008 19:03

Leikkasin tanaaan hiuksett ;D ja nyt mul on lyhyemmat hiukset ja otsis kanss ;D

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 07.02.2008 20:33

1. Mikä väri sinulla tulee minusta mieleen ensimmäisenä ja miksi?
2. Luonteeltani olen mielestäsi?
3. Minkälainen suhde meillä on?
4. Kuinka tärkeä olen sinulle asteikosta 4-10? ja miksi?
5. Kerro jokin yhteinen muistomme?
6. Mistä pidät minussa?
7. Jos riitelisimme, mistä se johtuisi?
8. Koska viimeksi näimme?
9. Mikä biisi kertoo eniten musta?
10. Mikä sana kuvaa minua parhaiten? Perustele.

Lopuksi lisää tämä omaan blogiisi ja katso, mitä muut sinusta kertovat.

<33Torstai 07.02.2008 20:20

Oon nyt thaimaas ;DDD ihanann lammin ja kaikki ;D vahan aikaa sit olin shoppailemasss .. muahahhahhah :p mul on kaikkii mun ihanii kavereita ikavaa<333 mut oon kyl mieluummin taal ... :P


Cutest Boy Ever<3Maanantai 04.02.2008 21:45


So its there 7th month anniversary and the girl calls her boyfriend::

I love you.

- Boy:
Yeah I know everyone does!


- Boy:
Yeah...everyone of my friends that are girls tell me that everyday.

- Girl:
Oh...but am I only your friend?

- Boy:'re my girlfriend...why?

- Girl:
So when I say I love you I really do mean it.

- Boy:
Yeah I know you do mean it...its just that you don't need to tell me that you love me anymore cuz I know you love me since the day we been together and i love you more each and everyday.

- Girl:

- Boy:
So wanna go somewhere tonight for our 7 month anniversary?

- Girl:

- Boy:
I don't know...maybe movie then dinner?


- Boy:
Ill pick you up after I get off and get ready ok?

- Girl:
Ok. What time do you get off?

- Boy:In 2 hours and then I gotta go home and yeah get ready which takes about 15-20 minutes...

hey...I thought you didn't have work today...

- Boy:
One of my co-workers called in sick.

- Girl:
Oh okay! So ill see you around 7:30 then?

- Boy:
Yeah! and babe?

- Girl:

- Boy:
I love you.

- Girl:
I love you too!

- Boy:
Ok my manager is like looking at me so yeah.... i gotta go.

- Girl:
Ok bye.

- Boy:


2 hours later...

The guy drives to his girlfriends house and walks up to the door and rings bell.

- Girl:
Hey! (gives a kiss to her boyfriend)

- Boy: ready?

- Girl:
Um...wait...let me get my bag and we can go ok?

- Boy:

They both watched a movie and ate dinner...once they were done eating they headed back to the car but before she got into the car...

- Boy:
Wait! Can I blind fold you?

- Girl:

- Boy:
Its a surprise.

- Girl:
What kind of surprise?

- Boy:
A big one.

- Girl:
Okay but only if you promise me that you will hold my hand while we're driving.

- Boy:
I promise.

- Girl:
Ok blind fold me...

So they drove off...........and then they stopped.

- Boy:
Ok we're here!


- Boy:
Wait let me walk you to the place!

- Girl:
What place?

- Boy:
Somewhere! (and gives a kiss to her on the lips)

- Girl:

The boy walks her to the place.

- Boy:
Ok...let me take the blind fold off.

- Girl:
Where are we?

He takes it off her and she opens her eyes and sees the view of the city and at that same spot...that's where he first asked her to be his girlfriend....

- Girl:
Omg...(tears come down)

- Boy:
Why are you crying?

- Girl:
This is where you first asked me out...

- Boy:
What are you doing the rest of your life? (he asked on his knees and after he says that...behind the air it says "Will you marry me?" in fireworks)

- Girl:
(tears come down faster)

- Boy:
I wasn't at work when you called me...I was planning this whole thing!

- Girl:
Get up!

- Boy:

- Girl:
(kisses him)

- Boy:
Is that a yes or a no?

- Girl:

If you don't repost this you will have the loneliest life!


If you do repost this, you will have a relationship that will last as long as you want it to!

You have 3 minutes to repost this.

if your a girl repost this as "CUTEST BOY EVER!!!!<3333
if your a boy repost this as "WHAT A GIRL DESERVES

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 27.01.2008 19:13

Your boy side:

[x] you love hoodies.
[x] you love jeans.
[x] dogs are better than cats.
[ ] it's hilarious when people get hurt.
[x] you've played with/against boys on a team.
[/] shopping is torture.
[ ] sad movies suck.
[ ] you own an x-box.
[x] played with hotwheels cars as a kid.
[ ] at some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[ ] you own a DS, PS2 or sega.
[ ] you used to be obsessed with power rangers.
[/] you watch sports on TV.
[ ] you go to your dad for advice.
[ ] you own like a trillion baseball caps.
[x] you like going to football games.
[ ] you used to/do collect baseball cards.
[x] baggy pants are cool to wear.
[ ] it's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[x] green, black, red, blue, or silver is one of your favorite colors.
[x] you love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[x] sports are fun.
[ ] you talk with food in your mouth.
[x] you wear boxers.
Total: 11

Your girl side:

[ ] you wear lip gloss.
[ ] you love to shop.
[ ] you wear eyeliner.
[x] you have some of the same shirts in different colors.
[ ] you wear the color pink.
[ ] go to your mom for advice.
[ ] you consider cheerleading a sport
[ ] you hate wearing the color black.
[/] you like hanging out at the mall.
[/] you like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[x] you like wearing jewelry.
[ ] skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
[ ] shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[ ] you don't like the movie star wars.
[x] you are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics or dance.
[ ] it takes you around 1 hour to shower, get dressed, and put on make-up and accessories.
[x] you smile a lot more than you should.
[ ] you have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[x] you care about what you look like.
[ ] you like wearing dresses when you can.
[/] you like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne.
[x] you wear girl underwear.
[x] you used to play with dolls as little kid.
[x] you like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it.
[ ] you like taking pictures of yourself with your cell phone/camera when you're bored.
Total: 9½

Flo Rida Ft. T-Pain - LOWSunnuntai 27.01.2008 17:00

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 27.01.2008 16:16

Juuri ennen häitä..
Nainen: Hei Rakas
Mies: No vihdoinkin, olen odottanut jo niin kauan!
Nainen: Haluatko että lähden ?
Mies: EN ! Mistä nyt tuollaista sait päähäsi ? Jo pelkkä ajatuskin kauhistuttaa.
Nainen: Rakastatko minua ?
Mies: Tietenkin, kaikkina vuorokaudenaikoina !
Nainen: Oletko pettänyt minua koskaan ?
Mies: En ikinä ! Miksi kysyt tuollaista?
Nainen: Haluaisitko suudella minua ?
Mies: Kyllä, aina kun minulla on tilaisuus siihen !
Nainen: Löisitkö minua koskaan ?
Mies: Oletko hullu ? Tunnethan sinä minut !
Nainen: Voinko luottaa sinuun ?
Mies: Kyllä, kulta..
Nainen: Rakas..

7 vuotta häiden jälkeen:
Lue teksti alhaalta ylöspäin !

Luettuasi tämän kopioi tämä päiväkirjaasi ja saat loistavan parisuhteen.

<3<3Lauantai 19.01.2008 18:08

Noses oli tosii hauskaa<3 Kiitos Linda, Jasmin ja Shanice.<3<3 I had a great timeee! Uusiks taas!!!<3<3 Lov u guyss!