


We met on the avenue and not in a palace
Täs maailmassa on jotku vitun idiootit ottanu vallan ja tilanne menee ainoastaan huonompaan suuntaan. Ei oo todellakaan oikee aika olla selvinpäin (NOFX - Idiots are taking over). Ketään ei oikeesti tunnu kiinnostavan mitä täällä tapahtuu, kaikki vaan ajattelee vittu omaa persettään, enkä oikeesti ees sano että siinä olis mitään väärää sinänsä, mut kai sit oon siinä suhteessa vaan niin erilainen ku muut.

Mitä hyötyä on demokratiasta..? se on ainoastaan yks vallan muoto (ainakin nykyaikana) sinänsä hieno aate ei siinä mitään, mut se on tehty niin vaikeeks ja ns. "hienoks" ettei siitä ole hyötyä, KOSKA vähemmistöt on nykyään oikeessa, enemmistö on niitä joita ei edes KIINNOSTA, ainakaan muu ku pitää asiat nykytilassaan. Eli miten se vois toimia, kun vähemmistöillä on ideat tehdä täst paskasta ees vähäsen parempaa ja enemmistö on niitä joita ei kiinnosta ku pitää vittu omaisuutensa ja ampuu kuulan kalloon jokaselle joka astuu niitten reviirille ??

Ja se mikä mua ehkä oikeesti kaikkein eniten ainakin siis henkilökohtasella tasolla vituttaa, on se, että oon punkkari, niinku ihmiset sanoo yhteiskunnan loinen, haiseva punkki, vitun vääräuskonen mitä ne ikinä keksiikään, ja se että mä oon tässä vitun kylässä ainaki tietääkseni saatana AINOA punkkari .. et ei se viel mitään et oon vittu kaikkien mielest yhteiskunnan pohjasakkaa, vaan se että mä olen sitä YKSIN !! .. että miettikää saatana sitä ..

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 01.11.2008 23:30

You motherfucker's absolutely right ..
but so am i ..
there's just so many definations ..
Let it go change go crazy there's nothing, NOTHING !!! (at least not for me)

- FUCK !! I'm not old, motherfucker !!Lauantai 01.11.2008 14:15

- I just meant you're older than anyone else here..

- It depends how you look at it :
I'm young in my heart, younger than any of those assholes over there
Anarkismi on 1800-luvulta lähtien ollut vapautta ja tasavertaisuutta korostava sosialistinen työväen aate, jonka edustajat pitivät aatettaan vaihtoehtona marxilaiselle valtion haltuunottamiseen tähdänneelle sosialismille.

Usein anarkismi sekoitetaan puhtaasti väkivaltaan ja sekasortoon. Useat anarkistit kuitenkin uskovat moraaliin, etiikkaan ja rauhaan.

Anarkistien suhteesta terrorismiin suomalainen tutkija Pasi Korkeamäki toteaa, että vain pieni osa heistä kannatti sitä ja vielä pienempi osa toteutti sitä.

The 10 commandments of AnarchySunnuntai 26.10.2008 13:46

1.Thou shall seek to destroy capitalism in all forms
This is the first and foremost greatest commandment for all Anarchists. Everything flows from this first commandment. Anarchists seek to subvert the capitalist system and capitalists themselves at any appropriate time.

2.Thou shall disengage from the system and NOT worship consumerism
Anarchists should seek to reduce their inputs into the system. This includes any form of financial input which maintains capitalism, in particular Anarchists should NOT consume goods from the multi-national, like McDonalds, KFC, Bunnings or Harvey Norman et al. and instead support small business enterprise. Think about setting up a local co-op, and use credit unions instead of banks, or Richies supermarkets which donate profits to community groups.

3.Thou shall seek self-sufficiency
Following on from commandment 2, Anarchists should learn to make their own clothes, grow their own food, and any form of self-sufficiency. This reduces an individuals need to operate within the capitalist system. Alternatively, using trade or the barter system amongst similarly minded people.

4.Thou shall learn various skills
Following on from commandment 3, Anarchists should constantly seek to improve themselves through the development of their skill set. This includes; martial arts for self-defense, learning mechanical skills for fixing cars, plumbing or any other household repairs.

5. Thou shall go forth and multiply
Like Christians who go out and evangelise to increase their numbers, so too should an Anarchist. Learn how to network and communicate your ideas to new people. The system will never change if we only associate with like minded people.

6.Thou shall encourage freedom of speech
Anarchists should see the abolition of censorship by the media, State, and individuals. Repression of freedom establishes fear, and disengages individuals from their political people power, which only serves to increase apathy and maintaining the status quo.

7. Thou shall NOT give away personal information to authorities
Anarchists should never use programs such as facebook or myspace where personal information is easily available for authorities to obtain. Anarchists should be in the habit of using Proxy servers to limit the availability of their IP address being available in the ether for tracking. Unless you are asked specifically by the authorities for your personal information, don't give it away for nothing.

8. Thou shall work together for the benefit of mankind
Anarchists should endeavour to work for the greater good, rather than seeking to increase their stature. Anarchists involvement in the movement should not be for financial gain (obviously), but should also avoid the pitfalls of narcissitic self-importance by Anarchist community notoriety, which borders on self-appointed charismatic leaders. Thus, Anarchists should work for the betterment of the community, not for themselves, which, in practice includes community service. This promotes anarchy as an option for social change; Food not bombs is a good example.

9. Thou shall NOT commit anarchy while in the presence of an agent of the law
You're no good to the movement if you're caught. Check to see if police or other authoritarian is present first!

10. Thou shall be paranoid when discussing actions against capitalism
Unlawful actions against capitalism (i.e. spray painting) should not be discussed, and follows from commandment 8 that Anarchists can find themselves entraped due to the pitfalls of egocentrism. Always assume that even your lawful actions (creating a co-op) are going to be subject to infiltrators and trolls who seek to maintain capitalism.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.10.2008 18:43

Olemmeko me tavanneet??

Kerro, miten ja missä me tapasimme ensimmäisen kerran?

Sinä joka kommentoit/luit tämän, kopioi tämä omalle sivullesi ja ylläty siitä miten moni sinut muistaakaan :)

This time i'm right ..Perjantai 17.10.2008 10:38

.. to move on and on far away from here ..

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 13.10.2008 22:09

Spoiled and rotten, soul forgotten
Welcome to new world
old hate, the same game
let's see if you've heard
what they make, afraid

Welcome here to stay
humanity's taken away
how long can one play
waiting for that day

Authority given is taken away
no more racist power
once haunted are now willing to stay
voice of change speak up louder

Love, curse or gift ?Lauantai 25.11.2006 19:29

Minimum of dedication keeping around to serve
just about none i wonder long before i learn
problems that i create feel need to be made
can you ever let go come out as you were again ?

Look around leave or stay these threats are everywhere
i can see why can't you you can you don't care
could've should've left long ago don't know cause i can't move
if i bet i'm all-in now i think this time i'll lose