


medicated dramaqueen

HBP ENSI-ILTA WUHUUUUU !Perjantai 17.07.2009 16:42

with vevedarling, partyonnnnn !

np. regina spektor - hotel song <3Torstai 16.07.2009 02:22

p.s. kynsien lakkaaminen on mun juttu ! se on kivaa 8----)

loveloveloveloveSunnuntai 12.07.2009 16:38


mmmm molemmat kelpaa <3Lauantai 11.07.2009 16:26

"Rob Pattinson is a sex symbol," says Daniel Radcliffe. "Rob Pattinson is a genuine sexy guy. He's got the height. If girls like short and nerdy, then I'm a sex symbol!"

o'ou oon bruneLauantai 11.07.2009 02:32

np. paramore - ignorancePerjantai 10.07.2009 22:59

new shizzz ! <3 love

aaaaaaaaaaaaah ihanaa olla kotonaPerjantai 10.07.2009 21:37

watch out italy, i'm comingMaanantai 06.07.2009 14:52

yey today i'm leaving 8
))) näkyy perjantaina !

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 06.07.2009 03:42

just crank up the tunes
and dance like there's no tomorrow