



Selaa blogimerkintöjä Jamison Foser laittoi tämän kolumnissaan pieneen sievään pakettiin, jolle repesin juuri ääneen.

Koko kolumni:

Pääasia: "If there is anybody out there who still doesn't believe that the conservative media will attack President Obama no matter what he does, consider this: Right-wingers are telling children to skip school as a protest against Obama's encouragement of students to stay in school.

I know, I know. You think I'm kidding. Or exaggerating. That I'm caricaturing the conservatives' position in order to make them look ridiculous.


They'll claim Barack Obama was secretly born in Kenya. They'll say he has a diabolical plan to create government "death panels" to kill off the old and the young. They'll claim he is building a secret private army that is "just as strong" as the U.S. military so that he can "seize power" and create a "thugocracy."

And when President Obama delivers the least-controversial message you could possibly imagine -- "Stay in school" -- they call it "indoctrination" and an attempt to "get 'em while they're young," warning, "They are capturing your kids" and "your republic is under attack."

Barack Obama is "capturing your kids." By urging them to stay in school and ... learn."

Go go Amerikan oikeisto.

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