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Kiraine vs. sähköpokemonMaanantai 02.02.2009 19:31

K // Suddenly naked I run through your garden..... wait, WHAT? sanoo:
I'll catch this. 8D

It used roar and I got my BIRD out.



.... roflmoa, it used Bite XDDDDDDD

Larp oli siisti.Maanantai 02.02.2009 01:01

Muun aikaa olo olikin sit lähinnä vitun paska.

Jos en tietäisi, että kuus tuntia elämästä pois > kuus tuntia vähäistä kärsimystä = parempi, en varmaan menis ollenkaan, koska kuitenkin tiedän, miten huono olo mulla aina on.
Mutta koska larp on huumetta ja mä olen riippuvainen, niin sivuvaikutukset ei ole niin suuria, että niiden vuoksi tajuaisi pysyä kaukana.
Lol läppä.

Sattuu muuten varmaan aika vitusti huomenna päivän päätteeks kun nää luut pusertuu ihoon. :)
Onneks en esim. tahdo istua koko larpin aikana.


... mun kainalot kärsii. D:

PS. Mulla on paita väärinpäin. Toivottavasti ette esim. huomaa.

Robert osuu asian ytimeen.Lauantai 31.01.2009 02:29

K // Suddenly naked I run through your garden..... wait, WHAT? sanoo:
Gah, larp tomorrow.
I have to get up around 10... and go to Helsinki around 11, and I have to be at the railway station at 12...

Oh well... most of the time I'll get to be a 34-year-old man in a global warming conference, so that'll help a bit... but... still, yeah.

Kiyoshi sanoo:
... wtf?! What kind of larp is that?! XD*


...Lauantai 31.01.2009 00:48

Hiusväristäni päätellen...

Kiitti äiti. :)Lauantai 31.01.2009 00:23

Kysyin ihan just sitä varten, että riittääkö toi väri, kun sitä oli niin vähän.
Sanoit, että riittää.

Se ei riitä.

No, syynä siihen SAATTAA olla se, että mun KOKO SELKÄNI on mustassa värissä..........

Katotaan, niin punanenkaan ei riitä, jolloin mun pääni tulee näyttään helvetin hirveältä.
"Physically, vampires are usually 'night people' on a biochemical level. They have inverted circadian rhythms, with body cycles such as temperature peaks, menstrual onset, and the production of sleep hormones in the brain occurring at the opposite time of day from most people. They have difficulty adjusting to daytime schedules and frequently work nights. They tend to be photosensitive, avoiding sunlight, sunburning easily, and having excellent night vision. Their vitality ranges widely, and they can be vigorous and active one day, depressed and languorous the next.

They frequently have digestive trouble. Even those with cast-iron stomachs have many issues with food that are rooted in their constant hunger for energy. Contrary to the image of the vampire as thin, many real vampires are troubled by obesity because of a hunger that makes them food addicts, and a system that is sluggish in processing physical food. They are also sometimes troubled by other substance addictions for the same reasons, but since their systems are tuned to pranic energy more than to processing physical substance, they may not be as sensitive to drugs and alcohol as an ordinary person would be.

Emotionally and physically, vampires are unpredictable, moody, temperamental and overwhelming. The major distinguishing characteristic of real vampires as opposed to ordinary people who share those qualities is the vampire's intensity. Vampires are extremely intense people. They are frequently given nicknames such as "the black hole." When others talk about them (usually to complain about them), vampires are often described by such terms as "needy," "attention-seeking," "grandstanding," "manipulative," "exhausting," "draining," "monopolizes the conversation," "jealous," "huge ego," and so on. A vampire's emotions are deep, fervent, and powerful, and she usually displays great psychic ability and has uncontrolled magickal and psychic experiences. Vampires are also empaths, and while they remain unconscious of their natures, they are frequently "psychic sponges" who simply absorb vibrations from everywhere, with the expected emotional instability resulting."

Viimeiseen lauseeseen; vaihdankin sanontani "oon aika kameleontti" sanontaan "oon aika vampyyri". Tarkottanee sit vissiin samaa asiaa. :D

Mut yhyy, lol. Haluun jotain hyvää luettavaa ettei mun tarvii lukea näitä.
Tai oikeastaan, haluan luettavaa, jota lukiessa ei tarvitse kääntyä katsomaan peiliin.

Pitäs saada lääkitys paranoiaan.