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Haha.Maanantai 15.03.2010 06:09

Oon istunut tässä viisi tuntia päivittämässä Dirun facebookia ja diru_tabloidsin postia. :l

Kohta ne lätkäsee tohon jonkun Hageshin PV:n ja voin ilosesti mennä nukkumaan.

Tai julkistaa hajoamisensa, jolloin voin surullisesti mennä juomaan lisää kahvia.

MUN ELÄMÄ ON SILAKKASunnuntai 14.03.2010 22:06

Oi Josef, Josef, sinä kurja pala kiiltelevää romumetallia, elämäni Kaorun hymyä heijastava pikselivalo, mitä menit tekemään minulle, ainoallesi? Miten minä koskaan opin enää luottamaan, kun näin kylmästi minut hylkäsit?
Josef, kun palaat luokseni ja väkisin jälleen avaat näytölleni iTunesin, synkronoit ja varmuuskopioit sielusi kovalevylle, minä TAKAAN, ettet selviä siitä nielemättä kuuden uuden levyn tietoja syvälle sisimpääsi. Tämän jälkeen en voi katsoa sinun vain lepäävän hiljaa, kuin olisit leposi ansainnut.
Oi, oi Josef. Kamppi on niin kylmä ilman äänesi rajatonta lämpöä.

Haha, eeppinen YouTube-keskustelu :D!Perjantai 12.03.2010 07:47

Me: How many of these pro-life commentors have taken the time to acknowledge that the adoption system efficiently ruins the child's life and birth control will fail even when correctly and regularly used?
In my honest opinion, the child's better off dead before he/she understands s/he is an individual at all than killing her/himself before puberty. I would never consider abortion for myself, but I'd never force an unwanted child through a painful, loveless life full of confusion and hate.

Stranger: That baby did absolutely nothing to deserve to die. If you are going to have sex consider that you are probably a loser and won't be able to take care of the baby. Or you can learn how to use a condom. Or, you know, you could just not have sex. Tht would be my point. Adoption wouldn't be such a problem if teens knew what they were doing. Oh and way to support abortion by saying you wouldn't even consider it.

I do not support abortion, I support a woman's free will. My personal choice is not to kill my own child who deserves his chance to live.

Condoms break and condoms leak. Using a condom and a pill is efficient, but you can STILL get pregnant. I repeat: no form of contraception is 100% effective.
People will keep on having sex, because sex isn't only to make kids.

If I knew a pregnant woman considering abortion, I'd try to make her reconsider, but it's not my life - not my child. Not my choice.

I also hope you understand that the unborn child doesn't deserve to live a life where he has nobody to turn to and nobody to teach him how to live.
Not every woman will make a good mother - and they will still have sex.

Sometimes death is better than to live a life that resembles an endless nightmare. I'd choose death over having no family, no one to guide me and no one to love me; at worst, only people to abuse and beat me.
Many children today think death would be better than their life is.

Stranger 2: I disagree. I think life its something that you can't just throw away. If you are weak, you will wish death. However, if you're strong, you'll live your life trying to improve every day, being tortured or whatever.

It's up to the person to live or die, not to us.

There's no death that worths more than life.

Would you kill yourself?


Me: Children are weak. A child who hasn't known love and has never heard that he's good the way he is, he deserves to be loved and cared for, deserves a good life will never learn that. To a human who has never known good life, such doesn't exist.

I repeat, I would never kill my own child, but I cannot force others to live a life they'd hate, not a conscious adult nor an unborn child. I cannot stop the children under 12 committing suicide. I have no ultimate power over anyone but myself.

Stranger 1: I hope you understand that what you just said is exactly my point. If they think that dieing would be better thabn their life then the people shouldn't have had sex and NOBODY AT ALL would be affected in any way. MORAL!

Me: Well, of course that would solve the problem, but as it is, people have sex anyway.
Sex is not only for reproduction but also for building trust, bounding, showing affection and having fun. As it is one of the main sources of pleasure besides eating, it is something people will have, and nothing and nobody can stop people from having it.
That is why we have a lot of happy couples, but also unwanted pregnancies, abortion, and issues like rape.
Making abortion a crime will not stop abortions.

Let's see if I can get this accross to you. NOT MY POINT!!!!! I am done having this conversation because you are probably a liberal idiot. Just saying. I am completely done with this. I have already blocked you.

Me: Wow, what. THAT was ridiculously uncalled for and immature from you, but whatever. I'm sorry I was being more rational than you and therewise forced you to, uh, block me, even though you could have just stopped visiting this video instead as I wasn't sending you messages or anything.

I suppose that's just your way of saying "I admit you're right but I cannot agree with you", so thank you, or something.

... aww Shinya, sä olet outoTorstai 11.03.2010 09:10

"Nov. 8 -Sao Paulo-
It was Brazil's Fest. We came on a plane from America so the sticks and stuff I had were limited but the prepared drumsticks placed backstage were all stolen. So I borrowed sticks from the Evanescence drummer. And then, the live had begun. I wasn't able to bring an electric fan so during the second song, it was hard to breathe. From behind, George was fanning me with some paper but I think was about to faint. And when a staff of Evanescence saw that the person brought the drummer's electric fan for me. Because of that I was able to finish the live with no problems. After that, when I was going to watch Evanescence from the stage-side, the security told me something like that I should go. It was like the system before with Motley Crue that performers were also not allowed to see from the side. But an Evanescence staff said something like it was okay so, Dr. Nemunemu was able to watch regularly from the side. Evanescence are good people!"

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 11.03.2010 05:02

--That was already when the guitar’s 6th string was dropped until A#. Since this is the lowest tuning you’ve done up until now, in terms of image were the things that came up different?

I am a person who doesn’t know anything about tuning and keys (laughs). But, there might have been something.

^ tää haastattelu on tosi piristävää luettavaa sen jälkeen, kun yritin ymmärtää edes lauseen verran siitä Dien ja Kaorun versiosta.
Erityisesti piristää tietää, ettei Kyokaan ymmärtäisi juuri sen enempää, mitä nyt ehkä miksauksesta...


Kyo: Even when you listen to aggressive songs, I don’t think that only aggression calls the image. What is entwined behind it? In that way, I understand it more easily. I also don’t have much interest in just violent/aggressive things, lyrically. Furthermore the song also has an image, it may also be related to my mind at that time, or simply if the weather was nice. That’s why I also don’t know. I don’t only write with only just the song’s image. That’s why it’s very human-like. Now, if I were to write using the image after I listened to this song, then I think I would create totally different lyrics.


Kyo: Not once did I even listen to “残-ZAN-“ when we were going to play it during the live. I’ve also forgotten the lyrics.


--Well・・・, what about “Yokan”.

Kyo: Oh “Yokan” (laughs). I never thought about it. I wonder how it would turn out if my present self would do it. Well, I think that it would be interesting.

--Whoa, and the opinion that it “would be interesting” came in.

Kyo: I can’t say with a 100% that we won’t. But when we play it, there would probably be people who would have weirdly stupid thoughts.


Fikkisuunnittelua...ko?Torstai 11.03.2010 01:32

Suunnitellaan Enkelin kanssa meidän eeppistä (tuskin koskaan valmistuvaa) yhteisfikkiä ja fikkejä yleensä.
Ja sitten...

K. sanoo:
K. sanoo:
Mua zombi! ja ouroboros!Kaoruttaa.

Sairas Enkeli sanoo:



K. sanoo:

Miksei ;;___;;

Sairas Enkeli sanoo:
Vaikak oltaisiin kyllä hiton omaperäisiä.

Kirjota nekrofiiliaa zombi-Kyolla ja zombi-Kaorulla. Kuolleet saanee huseerata keskenään. XD

K. sanoo:
... reps

Sairas Enkeli sanoo:
XD Pornoa jossa ei tarvitse liukastetta koska mätä ja lihanesteet on jo. <3
I can fap to that!
Ei kun...

MASTEG;ANFGKJENGEGTiistai 09.03.2010 22:08


AHIHI ;DDDTiistai 09.03.2010 21:45

Sairas Enkeli sanoo:

Voi jeesus.... Törmäsin vahingossa käännökseen nimelle Cullen. =____= Selasin kelttiläisiä nimiä, ja toi oli joukossa. Se tarkoittaa joko "nuorta eläintä" tai "komeaa".

...Tiistai 09.03.2010 19:37

AAA!Tiistai 09.03.2010 18:53



Moi lol apua
Tykkään kun randomisti löydän biisejä, joita oon kuullut radioista mutten tiennyt, kenen biisi se on tai mikä sen nimi on, ja sitten törmään siihen sattumalta jotakin kautta.
Vielä enemmän tykkään siitä, kun tällä sattumalla on jotain tekemistä Dirun kanssa, vaikka täytyy myöntää että tää on ensimmäinen kerta sitä laatua.

Joku ostaa mulle Vampire Weekendin levyn, nyt. :D


PPS. Älkää ostakokaan, ostin juuri itse. :l