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AMNDKJNFKAJFPerjantai 24.02.2012 07:39

Kauan sitten kuollut luuydin on ihan vitun kuvottava asia, just so you know :DDDDD
Mochizuki-san took out a cigarette from his coat pocket, handed it to me, and shielded the flames of his Zippo as he lit it for me.
It's a weird feeling having an ex-yakuza crime boss light your cigarettes and make coffee for you in the morning.
Nyt hävettää.

WHAT AM I EVEN DOING HERETiistai 21.02.2012 01:58

Tokyo Vice on ihana kirja.Torstai 16.02.2012 22:08

"Well, which cop have you bribed?" I had to ask.

"No one. I don't bribe cops. And I'm not a snitch. That's not how I do business. The cops and I have always had a good working relationship, so I have no idea where this shit is coming from."

He was hunched over the table now, almost whispering to me. Our noses could have touched. It could have been my first Eskimo kiss with a yakuza.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 16.02.2012 06:18

Dear Esther on ihana.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.02.2012 23:57


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.02.2012 00:26

Napoleonin makuuhuoneTiistai 14.02.2012 12:38

näyttää suunnilleen samalta kuin joksi kuvittelen 4-vuotiaan prinsessan makkarin.

Lo and behold.

D<Torstai 09.02.2012 18:35

Nyt vittu se Lafin dossaaminen loppuu, mitä sivulinkkiä mä hakkaan kahden minuutin välein kun Lafi on kuollut koko ajan?