



ok.Lauantai 08.01.2011 23:15

[/] Kyselen usein tyhmiä
[x] "Häh?" ja "Mitä?" kuuluvat yleiseen sanavarastooni
[/] Tuntuu, että opin huonommin kuin muut
[/] Jumitan usein ja ihmettelen maailman menoa suu auki
[/] Nauran, vaikka en tajuaisikaan
[/] Minua on sanottu blondiksi/tyhmäksi useaan otteeseen
[ ] Alle 7 keskiarvokin löytyy

[/] Jos joku yllyttää minua tekemään jotain, usein teen sen
[/] Vihaan rutiineja
[ ] En pelkää korkeita paikkoja
[x] Janoan seikkailua
[ ] Haluan hypätä Benji-hypyn
[/] Uskallan kokeilla uutta
[ ] En pelkää paljon mitään

[x] En ole kovin usein kotini ulkopuolella
[/] Minulla on sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelko
[x] Ujostelen vieraiden ihmisten seurassa
[/] Vihaan ja pelkään esiintymistä
[ ] Puhun melko hiljaa
[ ] En uskalla useinkaan väittää asioissa vastaan
[/] En ole kovin itsevarma

[ ] En lähetä ikinä tekstaria ilman hymiöitä tai sydämiä
[ ] Olen kaupungilla vähintään jokatoinen päivä
[ ] Juon siideriä
[ ] Saatan säätää usean pojan kanssa samaan aikaan
[ ] Ei kesää ilman bileitä
[ ] Kuuntelen listahittejä
[ ] Laitan meikkivoidetta huuliini

[x] Meikkaan harvemmin
[/] En käytä hameita & mekkoja
[x] Farkut/lökärit jalassa miltei aina
[x] En käyttäydy kovin naisellisesti
[ ] Kävelyni on miesmäistä
[ ] Kalja menee alas
[x] En tykkää erityisemmin shoppailusta

[ ] Esitän kovempaa mitä oikeasti olen
[ ] Syljeskelen usein
[ ] Poltan tupakkaa
[ ] Vittuilen ihmisille melko usein ilman syytä
[ ] Näytän keskaria mummoille ja pissiksille
[/] Minua ei kannata ärsyttää
[/] Olen ollut nyrkkitappelussa

....................... OK MITÄPerjantai 07.01.2011 23:04

Poikamainen puolesi:
[x] Rakastat huppareita
[?] Rakastat kollareita
[/] Koirat on parempia kuin kissat
[x] Olet vahingoniloinen
[x] Olet pelannut poikien kanssa samassa joukkueessa
[x] Shoppailu on kidutusta
[/] Vietät aikaa miespuolisten seurassa
[ ] Omistat xboxin
[x] Olet leikkinyt pienenä leluautoilla
[ ] Olet halunnut olla palomies
[x] Sinulla on DS, PS2 tai sega.
[ ] Sinulla on ollut pakkomielle power rangeseihin
[ ] Katsot jääkiekkoa TV:stä
[/] Pyydät isältäsi neuvoja
[ ] Haluaisit omistaa satoja baseball-lippiksia
[ ] Tykkäät käydä jalkapallopeleissä
[ ] Olet kerännyt/keräät baseball kortteja
[ ] Roikkuvat farkut ovat makeita
[ ] On outoa pitää pyjamabileitä
[x] Vihreä, musta, punainen, sininen tai hopea on yksi lempiväreistäsi
[x] Sinusta on hauska tehdä hulluja juttuja välittämättä mitä muut ihmiset ajattelevat
[ ] Urheilu on hauskaa
[x] Puhut ruoka suussa
[ ] Käytät boksereita

Tyttömäinen puolesi:
[ ] Käytät huulikiiltoa
[ ] Rakastat shoppailua
[ ] Käytät kajaalia
[ ] Sinulla on sama paita useana erivärinä
[x] Pukeudut pinkkiin
[/] Pyydät äidiltäsi neuvoja
[x] Mielestäsi cheerlearding on urheilua
[/] Inhoat pukeutua mustaan
[/] tykkäät hengailla ostareilla/kauppakeskuksissa
[/] Tykkäät käydä manikyyreiisä/pedikyyreissä
[/] Tykkäät pitää koruja
[ ] Hameet ovat suuri osa garderobiasi
[ ] Shoppailu on yksi lempiharrastuksistasi
[ ] Et pidä Star Wars-elokuvasta
[/] Olet harrastanut cheerleadingia, kuntosalia tai tanssia
[x paljo yli koska en saa niitä vaatteita koskaan päälleni XD] Sinulla menee noin tunti käydä suihkussa, pukeutua, meikata ja valita asusteet
[x] Naurat paljon
[ ] Sinulla on enemmän kuin 10 paria kenkiä
[/] Välität ulkonäöstäsi
[ ] Pukeudut aina mekkoon kun siihen on mahdollisuus
[x] Käytät hajuvesiä
[x] Käytät tyttöjen alusvaatteita
[x] Leikit pienenä nukeilla
[ ] Tykkäät meikata toisia ihmisiä
[ ] Tykkäät ottaa itsestäsi kameralla kuvia kun sinulla on tylsää

tv on parafrendiniLauantai 01.01.2011 00:38

... no nyt mä vähä mietin et menisin alas juomaa ja sit.. no emmätiedä, tellkkuu :''DD

jouMaanantai 13.12.2010 00:57

MIKO MIKO NURSELauantai 11.12.2010 22:59

uuh, hommasin tääl window mascottia, nii tollane tuli + et ku klikkaa se pysähtyy lepäämään hetkeks :'))

OMG LOOKKeskiviikko 08.12.2010 23:03

GUESS WHO IS A FUCKING HAPPY KANGAROO FO GETTING THAT WEOWEO! partyparty ;;ww;;; <3<3<33< ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ;;;www;;

sellasta!Tiistai 07.12.2010 00:22

Katso kännykkäsi 10 viimeisintä viestiä.
Ota jokaisesta viimeinen sana.
Kirjoita koko kymmensanainen lause.

<3 xD loppuiltaa irti vasten evil ... XD diktaattori tiiäks

PAKKORUOTSIMaanantai 29.11.2010 01:55

Koulusta pyydettiin että kirjoitettaisiin sellanen juttu pakkoruotsista, joten mietin et ois ihan kiva kuulla tyyppien mielipiteitä tästä.

Onko pakkoruotsi hyvä juttu, onko se huono? Miksi?
Mielipiteitä, mielipiteitä!


1530 sanaa, kyll te jaksatte!Tiistai 16.11.2010 23:28

The summer vacation was right behind the corner and I donÂ’t think anyone really concentrated on studying or listening to what the teachers were trying to tell us, everyone just talked about what theyÂ’d do during summer and all the big partied they were gonna have or attend to. I didnÂ’t really have any plans for summer vacation, IÂ’d do what I always did; draw, listen to music and sleep. I yawned and looked out the window.
A girl with long wavy blond, almost white hair, drove by our school with her bike and that was the very first time I saw Lenora.

I had heard people talk about a new girl moving to town, and in fact this couldnÂ’t really interest me less, but my socially over active mom was way to excited of these new people, as always. She had heard they had a girl in the same age as me, so she invited them over for dinner. I begged God to spare me from this pain.
The doorbell rang and I heard my mom rush to open with her joyful “Hiiiii~”, me myself was lying on my bed reading a book. Soon enough I heard a knock on my door.
- Come in.
I didnÂ’t move my glance from the book but I knew it was the new girl walking in. Man it mustÂ’ve been awkward for her.
Once I finally looked at her I noticed she was the girl I saw during class that one day, but it wasnÂ’t really anything surprising nor shocking. What tho was surprising was her beauty. I donÂ’t really know if there even is a way to explain it, she was like and angel.
But, she still didnÂ’t catch my interest. Cause of the way she looked, she was probably a total bitch.
I donÂ’t really know how, but in the end we actually started talking and noticed we shared a lot of the same interests.

All this, including our soon to be best friendship, was very sudden, but somehow it felt like IÂ’ve known her for years when it in all reality was only a few weeks. We hung out pretty much every day, just... doing stuff. And we laughed, having hella lots of fun.

One evening I took my bike and was of to her house again, we were gonna watch a movie. Not only was her family very religious, but also kind of rich so she had a big room with TV and stuff.
I felt like she kept looking at me the whole time during the movie, as if she wanted to tell me something. I decided not to ask her anything, it was her own business weather she would tell me or not.
- Umm... This probably comes a bit sudden, cause weÂ’ve know each other for a few weeks, but still, thereÂ’s no stopping what I feel. I turned to look at her and she didnÂ’t look as shy as she sounded, not at all.
- I.. like you.. a lot, she said waiting for my answer. I laughed.
- Of course I like you too, silly! YouÂ’re my best friend!
- No, no! What I meant was.. I love you.
Everything went quiet. It felt like even the TV turned down itÂ’s sound to zero. She just watched me blink as I tried to process what I just heard. She.. Loved me? No, wait, what? WeÂ’re just friends! ... Even if I wouldnÂ’t mind loving her too cause.. In fact I already did, I always had, since the very first time I saw her. Some how.. I just couldnÂ’t answer her.
I turned back to watch the TV without saying a word and I heard her sigh of disappointment, she mustÂ’ve been so embarrased.
I moved my hand slowly and placed it on hers, squeezing it gently.
- I love you too. A lot, I said not moving my glance from the TV, I was to nervous.
I heard another sigh and then felt how she leaned against my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and there we sat, snuggling, the rest of the night. That night, we also shared our first kiss.

The summer continued as if nothing had happened, but gee, that was a lie. My life had been changed for eternal future, that I though didnÂ’t know at this moment.
I spent the summer with my angel, enjoying every day to the fullest. One day we went to the beach, another one we ate ice cream and went to the movies. Every day we spent together, always doing something.
Sometimes we did simple stuff, like biked down to the hill with the old oak tree and had a picnic there or during evening we used to lay down in the damp grass to watch the stars. This was our place, a place for just the two of us.
Even the rainy days were joyful around Lenora. As childish as it may sound, we went out to jump in the wanter pots. It was like reliving my childhood with the best possible person.
Something inside of me told me weÂ’d always be together, holding on strong. But that part inside of me was so horribly wrong.

It was a half rainy half sunny day, but the clouds were moving fast and it would soon be completely sunny.
I woke up, got dressed and headed to LenoraÂ’s with my bike, thatÂ’s what I did pretty much every morning.
Something felt awfully off as I got there and as I was knocking on the door, I heard people fighting inside.
I opened the door, it wasnÂ’t locked, and walked in to find my parents and Lenoras parents fighting.
- HEY! WhatÂ’s this fuss all about?, I asked and noticed Lenora hiding behind her dad, looking sadder than IÂ’d ever seen her before. Every one turned over to look at me.
- You.. You cursed my daughter, you slave of satan!, Lenoras mom yelled trying to hit me, but my dad held her back.
- You turned my girl against Gods laws, YOU MADE HER GAY!
I made a decision within a half second, grabbed Lenoras hand and ran of with her.
As we ran as fast as we could, all the memories of us flashed before me. We didnÂ’t stop until we were on the hill with the old Oak. I couldnÂ’t hold my tears anymore, I bursted out in loud tears as I fell to the ground. Lenora sat down beside me and held me head, petting it, telling me everything was going to be okay. But it wasnÂ’t, it wasnÂ’t going to be okay!
First of all, I would probably never get to see her again, and secondly, they would probably make us break up, as if my heart wasnÂ’t crushed enough already.
But no, not only would we be harshly and coldly torn apart. Lenora told me, they were gonna move. Today.
I looked up at her with big eyes, filled with confusion as the tears continued rolling down my cheeks.
- No... NO! WHY!?
She didnÂ’t need to answer, cause we both knew very well why. She got up after kissing me one last time.
- I have to go now, we will leave very soon. Please be well and take care of yourself and your family. You know I will always love you, no matter where we are or whatever may happen to us. She petted my head as I wiped completely broken on the ground. Then she left.
I stayed at the old Oak until midnight. And that was the last time I saw Lenora. Or so I thought...

I had just turned 22, and I was walking around in town enjoying the spring sun.
I didnÂ’t live in that small home town anymore, moved out when I was around 19 and have been living in the city on my own since then.
I wasnÂ’t really searching for anything, just strolling around looking at all the stuff they sold. I stopped to look at some flowers, one of them reminded me of some person IÂ’d once known. I wonder what her name was again..
Then, I heard it. A voice, at the other end of the street. A voice like no other. I rushed towards it excusing my actions to the people I pushed out of my way.
I knew who those flowers reminded me of, I knew who this voice belonged too, it all came back to me and there was no doubt.
It was Lenora.
Panting I stopped, and there she was, buying flowers at a small stand. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I smiled.
- Lenora!, I yelled and ran towards her. Before she had had time to realize what was going on I glomped her, holding her tight in my arms.
- I found you... I found you, I sniffed quietly. She petted my head gently and whispered into my ear.
- Yes, you found me.