
3 tunnin kuluttuu lähtö ⇒
Enkä tiiä vieläkää mitä annan M.'lle lahjaks >_>
imma loser.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 05.03.2009 23:38



Haluun olla yhtä ruskee ku tos kuvas... :<
[elokuu 08, kroatia.]

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 03.03.2009 21:08

löysin yhen tallinnalaisen tytön, joka myy kaikkii brändi tuotteit netis ja löysin ton *>*
maksaa 700 eek (~45 eur) HALUUN! siel on myös baby pink mut toi valkone on jotenki kivempi :>

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 03.03.2009 00:42

en kestääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääää
haluun actionii NYT kiitos!!!!

my life atm: living for week-ends & that's bOoring!!!
big city life my ass >:(
tänki päivän kohokohta: ruoka & jpn kielen tunti sen jälkee hohhoijaa.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 02.03.2009 23:24

toi matrix gif tuol 4:34 on paras! ::D

Sain mun JLTP tulokset tänää jee! 360/400 level 3, ei sillee mikää paha : )

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 26.02.2009 02:42

Isän kaa juteltii vähän business talkii.
Shoppailin ebayssä ja kysyin silt jotain kysymyksii, kello oli varttii vaille 11.
Sit aika venyy ja venyy ja venyy ja onki jo 00:00!! Ja se puhuu silti samast aiheest :D

jos en nyt huomen nuku pommii ni ipod nano oot mun<3

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 26.02.2009 01:06

it feels good :)

bikini shoppingKeskiviikko 25.02.2009 00:38

Tänää oli Viron itsenäisyyspäivä ni heräsin sen kunniaks klo 2 ! (:
Käytiin kavereiden kaa syömäs, ottaa kuvii, shoppaa, kaikkee turhaa :x
Sen jälkee suunnistin yksin Ülemisten la senzaan bikini shoppingulle mut yllätysyllätys - ei löytyny mitää taaskaa. Sit istahdin sinne ja söin "puding"ii ja lepäsin jotkut 40 min. Kassatädit katto vähän oudost myöhemmin.
Sen jälkee söin jotai ihan järkky pitsaa (go to my lj if u want sum detailz).
vatsaan sattuu vieläki :<

my man top:
"lempar video!"

kun en jaksa mennä nukkumaankaan...Tiistai 24.02.2009 05:39

Which Big Bang boyfriend would you want in these situations?

1. When I buy him clothes as a present and he doesn't like itÂ…

[x] TOP: smiles and lies trying to compliment it saying itÂ’s pretty
[] GD: takes my hand and goes to the shopping mall explaining why he must exchange it for his fashion purposes
[] YB: smiles and tries to start a different conversation
[] DS: gets overly excited and exaggerates his thanks
[] SR: wears it on the spot and jumps up and down the sidewalk

2. When I am jealous due to his relationship with one of the female celebrities on TV...

[] TOP: holds my hand.
[] GD: explains logically says its not trueÂ… then goes on TV and explains to the world its not true as well.
[] YB: stutters trying to explain continuously, then sighs saying heÂ’s sorry
[x] DS: laughs and sings ‘Look at Me GiSoon’ with my name in it instead
[x] SR: Acts cute and says “Are you being jealous right now~!?’ in a cute voice

3. When IÂ’m away from my phone and another guy sends me a text hitting on me

[x] TOP: deletes the guys number (depends, yah?)
[] GD: presses ‘Call’ on the number right away.
[] YB: pretends he didn't see it but gets quiet
[x] DS: tells me i got a text and gives me suspicious looks
[] SR: smiles and let's it go in front of me, then goes home and tracks the guy down texting him evil messages

4. When he comes to my house without a word but I look like a ‘pain’ (no shower, haven't washed hair, sweats, etc etc)

[x] TOP: Washes my hair for me
[] GD: Makes me a schedule on ‘how to not be a pain’ and makes me write a written oath that i will never be a ‘pain’ again
[] YB: lies to me and tells me he hasn't washed his hair for 4 days either
[] DS: sits down on my couch like nothings wrong and watches Doraemon
[] SR: Gets too shocked and scared that he cant even come in the house

5. When I get a sickness and will die the next day

[] TOP: treats me like the normal days but never lets go of my hand
[x] GD: swallows/hides his tears and says “Let's live today to the fullest/Until the day ends lets live like no tomorrow”
[] YB: ends up crying and doesn't know what to do
[] DS: pretends he didn't hear and keeps making me laugh
[x] SR: cant stop crying and just keeps taking pictures with me

6. When he walks in on me cheating on him with someone else

[x] TOP: without a word, punches the guy and takes me with him
[] GD: gives me his ring (couple ring), cellphone and walks out without a word
[] YB: makes a conversation with all of us
[] DS: says “Oops, got in the wrong place” and walks out
[] SR: gets very mad and cant control his anger so he throws and breaks furniture

7. When meeting my parents and they don't like him

[] TOP: goes on his knees
[] GD: says “(name) is pregnant”
[] YB: smiles and says he wants to marry his first love
[] DS: tries to earn points by singing ‘Look at me Gwisoon’
[x] SR: kisses me in front of my parents and shouts “(name) IS MY LADY!”

8. When he sees that IÂ’m in the audience while he's performing

[x] TOP: never takes his eyes off me until his performance ends
[] GD: ignores me because i make him nervous and focuses on making the performance perfect for me
[x] YB: is so happy that he keeps smiling and messes up his dance
[] DS: puts in customized moves by him for me
[x] SR: acts cute in front of the camera

9. When I tell him IÂ’m going to get plastic surgery

[] TOP: pretends he didn't hear and secretly slides a picture of Â’surgery-gone-wrongÂ’ pictures for me to see
[] GD: gives me his credit card
[x] YB: tells me I'm more beautiful now and says no.
[] DS: insists if i do it, he's definitely doing it too
[] SR: listens to me and then makes fun of me

10. When I say I'm going to a resort for university

[x] TOP: tells me to have fun and come back
[] GD: keeps asking me if guys are gonna be there too
[x] YB: says its okay but you see him starting to pout without realization
[] DS: suddenly gives me Doraemon and tells me to think of him when i look at this
[x] SR: says “Take me too”

11. When watching a movie together and its some serious 19+ sexual contentÂ…

[x] TOP: tries to switch the mood by being funny
[] GD: ……asks jokingly “…can you do that?” >.<
[] YB: cheeks turn red, starts pouring nose bleed and faints
[] DS: “oh fun stuff~” and enjoys it
[x] SR: suddenly whips his head around and looks at me

winner: TOP :_D

TänäänTiistai 24.02.2009 00:55

heräsin klo 10 vaik koulu alko klo 8.45 :
no menin 12.15'ks sinne ku silloin oli "aktus" eli kuoro laulo ja rehtori puhu jotai ja näin... hyvä minää!!!
Sit emt kävin syömäs kavereiden kaa mut en oikee enää muista mist puhuttiin... vähän huolestuttavaa >: O
siivosin vähän kotona, joka on outoo koska vihaan siivoomist :D
no mun huone on nyt anyways huonommas kunnos ku ennen siivoomist :--D
(tyhjensin ja siivosin kaapit ja osa roinast jäi lattialle :P)
ja sit menin treeneihin ja tapasin lauran :))

but somehow I'm so lonely DD:
I miss those slumber parties and girls' nights that we used to spend every other week-end. ....
I want....... holidays to come quick or else!!!!!!!!! I'll break :(