You were only a small and tiny feathers,
you were born too early, and you could not do anything about it
died too early, you would have been still long and wonderful life ahead ..
I remember how one morning I arrived in horse stables, and saw you .. horse paddock
you were born early, you were quite muddy, wet, the innocent and weak ..
I helped you all morning, I washed you and put you away from the proximity of other horses, so that they would make you evil.
I spent many hours helping you .. I got you at the stable, and you watch as long as mom did you drink only milk ..
then I knew that you were okay ..
YOU ARE ALWAYS MY tiny princess. Miss you.
Born 12.6.2010
Died 26.6.2010
Now I am free, and with the wind
I get to go at the borders of timelessness.
I'm the glitter star, I'm a cloud of air,
I have a tiny drop of dewy morning.
I have not gone to you, but I arrive at the
with each rising morning.
And every evening with darker
wish you good-night.