


tietää että voisi tietää enemmänkin.

My point so far.Maanantai 05.10.2009 21:04

I feel pity for all power-blinded bigots,
(be they theists, racial or philosophical supremacists, utilitarists or _whomever_)
for they are NOT the wolves who prey on sheep,
as they would like to think;
rather, they are just scared little puppies
disguised as wolves.

These ego-tripping powerslaves
are scared to admit that even they
require empathy from others
as others also expect empathy
from them.

In the domain of nature and animals
empathy is the requirement for
survival. It is the trait that binds individuals
into same-minded groups,
allowing them to operate
in the most effective manner
constrained by their living

The current problem with the unneeded denial of empathy
is that those with less power in society
are forced bend over to those who excercise power over others,
which leads to an ever expanding model of master-slave relationships;
a neverending maelstrom of misery.

I guess that in this model
those guys at the top of the enslavement scheme
must find themselves quite lonely at times.
They could use a willing hug,
but there is nobody to embrace them if not forced.

The world is sick.
There is something wrong with the additudes
of major population in general.

IN SHORT, I prefer:
- constructive dialogue over pointless arguing,
as agressive argumentation leads to the use of physical force,
and I do _not_ want to be pummeled into oblivion every
fucking time I bring out my honest opinion on some subject
- compromises over rules/dogmas forced by master to slaves
- FREE-SPEECH to everyone, even to power-tripping egomaniacs.
- freedom to do whatever one wishes, as long as it does not
directly provoke conflict

I rest my case and welcome constructive criticism.

PS. I do not ask people to exert empathy on people they do not know, as strangers are (in the light of the current sociological model) most likely assholes. But please, be loyal to your friends and relatives, aid them as much as you can muster and I can assure you ... you won't be left alone in the dark ... ever.


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