Day 15 – Funniest moment in a video game
Going glitch
Day 16 – Your favourite main character from a video game
Day 17 – Most evil villain from a video game
Day 18 – Your favourite side-character from a video game
Day 19 – Your least favourite character in a video game
Day 20 – Hottest video game character
Day 21 – Your favourite cinematic from a video game
Day 22 – Your favourite song from a video game
Day 23 – Game with the best graphics or art style
Day 24 – Your favourite gaming genre
Day 25 – Your favourite console
Day 26 – Your favourite games development company
Day 27 – An upcoming game you’re looking forward too
Day 28 – The worst sequel to a game
Day 29 – Most obscure game you've ever played
Day 30 – The last game you bought