


Who has the marijuana, mkey?
And itÂ’s all up to her
You know youÂ’d be a fool
SheÂ’s the one gone bad
SheÂ’ll do it anyway
And take the lead and say
She wonÂ’t be gone long
You realise
Cause sheÂ’s too nice to you
And youÂ’re too nice to her
If you donÂ’t let each other get buried
Cause you know comes a time
When love will unwind
Somebody suffers whatÂ’s new, still you
Do you know that itÂ’s over
Love can damage your health
And you donÂ’t put up a fight
You donÂ’t let each other get buried
You know thereÂ’s a time
So donÂ’t let down your guard
Baby keep up your sheer
Cause she doesnÂ’t care less what they say
So you know that itÂ’s over
Love can damage your health

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