


Trying to untie the knot we thought we were untying our entire lives, we're busied up and burnt out..


- Vanhemmat »

likethisSunnuntai 15.01.2012 19:22

-Maanantai 09.01.2012 23:53

And this is how it feels when I
Ignore the words you spoke to me
And this is where I lose myself
When I keep running away from you

And this is who I am when,
When I don't know myself anymore
And this is what I choose when
It's all left up to me

Breathe your life into me
I can feel you, I'm falling
Falling faster
Breathe your life into me
I still need you
I'm falling, falling
Breathe into me
Breathe into me

And this is how it looks when
I am standing on the edge
And this is how I break apart
When I finally hit the ground

And this is how it hurts when I
Pretend I don't feel any pain
And this is how I disappear
When I throw myself away

Breathe into me
Breathe into me
Breathe into me

hyviä jouluja ja niin eespäinLauantai 24.12.2011 15:18

-Sunnuntai 18.12.2011 23:29

Its my funeral.Sunnuntai 18.12.2011 21:47

Now, as I lay here in the dark
And I think back to the start
I know some things have to end
for the next one to begin

I walk alone, free at last
I feel the pressure letting go
from the very bottom, of my soul.
Flesh and bone fall to past like the ashes in the rain.

And fade away...

It's my Funeral,
welcome you all.
This is the end of the line,
So thank you for coming along.

My time has come,
I don't wanna leave you behind,
But this one I'll do on my own!

Now, as we stand two worlds apart,
the time's hardened up my heart.
From a world of no regret,
that I hope won't soon forget.

I walked the line on broken glass,
I let the passion take control,
of the very bottom of my soul.
Cross the line, fade to black,
hold the candle to the flame,
and light the way.

To my Funeral,
welcome you all,
This is the end of the line,
so thank you for coming along.
My time has come,
I don't wanna leave you behind,
But this one I'll do on my own.

It's my Funeral,
welcome you all,
This is the end of the line,
so thank you for coming along.

My time has come,
I don't wanna leave you behind,
But this one I'll do on my own.

This is the end of the line,
so thank you for coming along.

My time has come,
I don't wanna leave you behind,
I don't wanna leave you behind,
But this is the end of the line,

It's my Funeral!

It's my Funeral!

-Keskiviikko 14.12.2011 10:50

"We live in every moment but this one
Why don't we recognize the faces loving us so

What's God if not the spark that started my life
Smile of a stranger
Sweet music, starry skies
Wonder, mystery wherever my road goes
Early wake-ups in a moving home
Scent of fresh-mown grass in the morning-sun
Open theme park gates waiting for

Riding the day, every day into sunset
Finding the way back home

Once upon a night we'll wake to the carnival of life
The beauty of this ride ahead such an incredible high
It's hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead
This moment the dawn of humanity
The last ride of the day

Wake up, Dead Boy
Enter adventureland
Tricksters, magicians will show you all that's real
Careless jugglers, snake charmers by your trail
Magic of a moment

korppipa korppiTiistai 06.12.2011 13:40

[x] Pidätkö yksinäisyydestä?
[/] Oletko epäsosiaalinen?
[ ] Tunnetko olevasi usein kärttyisä?
[x] Pyritkö suojelemaan/auttamaan rakkaitasi?
[ ] Tunnetko omaavasi metsästysvietin?
[x] Erottaudutko massasta?
[/] Onko luottamustasi vaikea ansaita?
bonus: [xx:D] Metsästävätkö kristityt sinua?
yht. 5
[ ] Oletko optimisti?
[ ] Tahdotko tutustua uusiin asioihin?
[/] Ilahdutko seurasta?
[/] Oletko ennakkoluuloton?
[x] Pyritkö olemaan ystävällinen/kiltti kaikille?
[x] Oletko lojaali rakkaillesi?
[ ] Oletko vaatimaton?
bonus: [ ] Nuoletko rakkaidesi kasvoja?
yht. 3
[ ] Hullaannutko pienistä asioista?
[x] Tunnetko välillä hinkua piiloutua?
[x] Syötkö pienesti?
[ ] Oletko pääsääntöisesti iloluontoinen?
[ ] Tahdotko olla mahdollisimman paljon rakkaittesi lähettyvillä?
[ ] Oletko valpas?
[ ] Tahdotko välillä loikkia ja kirmailla?
bonus: [ ] Syötkö heinää/apiloita?
yht. 2
[ ] Oletko siisti?
[ ] Hermostutko, elleivät asiat mene niinkuin tahtoisit?
[ ] Pidätkö itsestäsi?
[/] Oletko itsenäinen?
[x] Tahdotko olla usein rauhassa?
[/] Oletko helposti mustasukkainen?
[x] Kerjäätkö hellyyttä?
bonus: [ ] Kehräätkö?
yht. 2½
[x] Pukeudutko tummaan?
[x] Ajaudutko riitoihin?
[x] Pidätkö ajatuksesi usein itselläsi?
[x] Oletko omapäinen?
[x] Oletko sisäänpäinkääntynyt?
[/] Oletko pessimisti?
[x] Lämpenetkö hitaasti?
bonus: [ ] Tunnetko hinkua repiä silmiä päistä?
yht. 6½
[ ] Pidätkö seurasta?
[ ] Tunnetko usein olevasi eksynyt?
[x] Oletko leppoisa?
[/] Sopeudutko helposti?
[/] Oletko lämminhenkinen?
[ ] Kaipaatko turvallisuudentunnetta?
[ ] Oletko selkeä?
bonus: [ ] Määitkö?
yht. 2
[ ] Luullaanko sinua usein peikoksi?
[ ] Pörrötätkö hiuksiasi?
[x] Pidätkö musiikista?
[x] Viihdytkö hyvässä seurassa?
[x] Oletko outo?
[x] Käytkö usein keikoilla?
[ ] Pidätkö nurmikoista?
[x] Onko unirytmisi epäsäännöllinen tai outo?
yht. 5

-Torstai 01.12.2011 23:41

"I'm so fed up with everyone around me
(No one seems to care)
I'm just so far gone and nothing's gonna change
(I'll never be the same)
It's always do this, do that,
Everything they want to
I don't want to live that way
Every chance they get their always
Pushin me away
It's never enough
No it's never enough
No matter what I say
It's never enough
No it's never enough
I'll never be what you want me to be
It's all so messed up and no one ever listens
(Everyone's deranged)
I'm just so fucked up and I'm never gonna change
(Wanna lay it all to waste)
Their always say this, say that,
Nothing that you want to
I don't want to live that way
Every chance they get their always
Shovin me aside
It's never enough
No it's never enough
No matter what I say
It's never enough
No it's never enough
I'll never be what you want me to be
I'm Done
In the end we're all just chalk lines on the concrete
Drawn only to be washed away
For the time that I've been given
I am what I am
I'd rather hate you
For everything you are
Than ever love you
For something you are not
I'd rather you hate me
For everything I am
Than have you love me
For something that I aint
It's never enough
It's never enough
No matter what I say
It's never enough
No it's never enough
No matter who I try to be
It's never enough
No it's never enough
No matter how I try to taste
It's never enough
Never never enough
I'll never be what you want me to be."

-Torstai 24.11.2011 20:39

"Sovitaanko, että sä vaan kauhot ihan omaa soppaasi.
Älä muitten bisneksiin työnnä turpaasi.
Ressaa ittes vaikka hengiltä, se on sun asias.
Älä uraputkees mua kisko, en aio kantaa paineitas.
Niin sanottua elämänkokemustas tuut mulle tyrkyttään,
no ikäähän sulla on, mutta et oo eläny päivääkään!

Se ei kuulu sulle, mitä mä teen!
Se ei kuulu sulle, mihin mä meen!
Itte valintas teit, älä työnnä mua samaan satimeen!
Se ei kuulu sulle, mitä mä teen!
Se ei kuulu sulle, mihin mä meen!
Vaikka ranteeni viiltäisin ja tunkisin parrun perseeseen!

Kuka tahansa pystyy salkun täyteen paperia tukkimaan.
Kuka tahansa kykenee nokka pystyssä katuja tallaamaan.
Sulla ei oo mitään, mitä voisit mulle opettaa,
sanot mua kakaraks, mut sulla ei oo lapsuutta ollutkaan.
Niin sanottua elämänkokemustas tuut mulle tyrkyttään,
no ikäähän sulla on, mutta et oo eläny päivääkään!

Se ei kuulu sulle, mitä mä teen!
Se ei kuulu sulle, mihin mä meen!
Itte valintas teit, älä työnnä mua samaan satimeen!
Se ei kuulu sulle, mihin mä meen!
Se ei kuulu sulle, mitä mä teen!
Vaikka ranteeni viiltäisin ja tunkisin parrun perseeseen!"

-Sunnuntai 20.11.2011 15:42

"What the fuck?
Put your teeth to the curb, cuz right now I'm gonna stomp your fucking face in
I hope you drown in all the cum you fucking swallow, to get yourself to the top
You're just a trend, just a fucking disease,
How could you look at yourself in the mirror?
You stand for nothing and your heart is untrue
Every single thing about you's just a clone of the last "you"

All I want is to reach someone,
to say something that could change their life forever
To let them know they're not alone, you're not alone
So many people wanna see me fail,
so fucking clever but I'll spit in your face
I'll make sure you remember me

If all these words you speak of meant a thing
I'd take back all the lines against you that I sing
But I know that there's nothing real inside
Your heart's invested in feeding everyone lies

I've seen so many of you come and go,
That's cuz you're in it for all the wrong fucking reasons
You can't expect to live off of lies and survive
I am who I am, this is what we are,
I don't care if this offends you, or your worthless god

To all the kids who's letters I receive
The broken hearted, the damaged just like me
I will be your voice to let the world know we stand as one
We're standing right here so come and fucking get us

Open your mind before your mouth
Or come and fucking get us
Open your mind before your mouth
I'll be the end of your decadence

If all these words you speak of meant a thing
I'd take back all the lines against you that I sing

If all these words you speak of meant a thing
I'd take back all the lines against you that I sing
But I know that there's nothing real inside
Your heart's invested in feeding everyone lies

I may not have built this kingdom but,
I'll make fucking sure that I protect it from you."
- Vanhemmat »