
Broken glass .Perjantai 27.03.2009 00:44

Morning comes every time
Lasting until the night
And lately it's been hard to see
Reasons to get on my feet

Searching some kind of light
This tunnel is darker than night
And I'm aching, I'm breaking inside
But you can't see through my smile

Broken glass under my bare feet
You are like a flame that burns me from within
Like a curse you haunt me in my dreams
You are like an itch that's under my skin

Now when people get close
They feel the thorns of the rose
And I'll break them, I'll tear them apart
I'm cruel 'cause you stole my heart

Broken glass under my bare feet
You are like a flame that burns me from within
Like a curse you haunt me in my dreams
You are like an itch that's under my skin

Now you are where I used to be
Feeling what I used to feel
How does it feel?
How does it feel?

Broken glass under my bare feet
You are like a flame that burns me from within
Like a curse you haunt me in my dreams
You are like an itch that's under my skin

Broken glass

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