
D'you wear a black armband ,

When they shot the man ,

Who said "Peace could last forever" ?

Look at the shoes your filling ,

Look at the blood we're spilling ,

Look at the world we're killing ,

The way we've always done before ,

Look in the doubt we've wallowed ,

Look at the leaders we've followed ,

Look at the lies we've swallowed ,

And I don't want to hear no more .

I don't need your civil war ,

It feeds the rich while it buries the poor ,

Your power hungry sellin' soldiers ,

In a human grocery store ,

Ain't that fresh ,

And I don't need your civil war ,

I don't need your civil war ,

I don't need your civil war ,

Your power hungry sellin' soldiers ,

In a human grocery store ,

Ain't that fresh ,

I don't need your civil war ,

I don't need one more war .

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