
Anssikertomus.Lauantai 05.04.2008 21:29

Maria: "Hello! What's up dude?"
Kaisa-Leena: "Hey! I saw you last night with Anssi."
Maria: "There is nothing between us! We're just friends."
Kaisa-Leena: "Hey, everyone can see it by your face that you're in love with someone. There are no secret between us."
Maria: "Oh, I can tell you. I'm in love with Anssi. But.. but nobody loves me!"
Kaisa-Leena: "I don't think so. Anssi looks so happy with you. I think that Anssi lost into your eyes. Never go anywhere without map!"

After five years

Maria: "I did it! I did it! Now I'm not afraid of anything anymore. We have two children!"
Kaisa-Leena: "Oh, I'm so happy, thanks to you."

Kaisa-Leena oli Marian idea ;)


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