I will keep singing for you, the person I want it to reach, so...
Until we get to the place we are searching for,
I will follow you, so we never lose words.
Lets deepen the mis-chanced love we started to notice. Will you please keep the moonlit sky,
with the stars flowing, safely in your heart?
Please stay living within your heart.
I will never forget you, you are my treasure, I love you now and whenever.
Even if we are apart, be by my side.
This is the answer for now, it's not some complicated words,
so that you will never stop smiling.
Because these are the same feelings I had, the day I shed some tears.
I will forever keep singing for you, the person I want it to reach.
lyrics by MEGURU
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AWW oikeesti ;_;♥ emt noi on jo yli puol vuot vanhoi, mutmut silti ihanii oikeesti awwis meguu <3