


♥ ♥ ♥ I Lهvع Yهu Hهnعy ♥ ♥ ♥

Ethän oo viellä unohtanu?Torstai 04.09.2008 20:15

For my love <3

Are we friend or are we not?
You told me once but I forgot
Tell me now and tell me true,
so I can say you I'm here for you.
Of all the friend I've ever met,
yuo're the one I wont forget.
And If I die before you do,
I'll go to heavens and wate for you.
I'll give the angels back their wings
and risk the loss of everything.
Just to prove my friendship is true,
to have friend like you. <3

you ask for me answear to little questom
and the anwear is yes.
I want to tell you that how much I care
only because I want to make you sure.
I want that you know where ever you are
I'll be here waiting, with opening heart.
And over and over again
I tell you that you are my friend
we will be together...

Tanjalle <3

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