


Maybe it's not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate.

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hei babies!Perjantai 10.11.2006 10:10

i want to drink now a lonkero. hello? it's 8 o clock in the morning.

yeah i am crazy! :D

moii moiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!


wow i am such a..Torstai 09.11.2006 16:02

..spåmer : DDDDD

blah blah blahhhh....
in 2,5 h starts my finish lesson ^^
and "parents" have cooked chinese food :'D wooow!!
maybe I shouldn't eat this food anymore, i dont know :>

habe de ehre leiz <3


new dayTorstai 09.11.2006 09:58

new... chance? no!

it's so cold outside brrrrrrr!
I won't t go now :/// but I have to...

today is torstai :D

2 days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then is saturday :'O

ok see u later aligator! <3

pleaseTorstai 09.11.2006 03:00

please love me.

i am so fucking tired but i can't sleep! i hate it really.. grrr!!!!
and he... :'( awwww! maybe I should become lesbian? any nice girl here for loving me? ;D

request please to me :DDD :joking:


These are those days, when I can get no sleep
I'm so tired I'd like to fall into sleep
I fall in my bed
But still I'm awake

These questions in my mind are so much bigger than life
But my life is short and I have to leave them behind
I have to try to forget
That I am still in my bed

In my deepest fears I'm losing you
Even if somebody tried to stop my heart
I'm still alive I will never give up

Just turn off the lights
Don't wanna see me die
I look like I'm dead
But when you look at me
I am still alive

Just open your eyes
Don't wanna see me cry
I'm right here where you want be to be
Fighting with myself

All I need to feel is your breath on my skin
This endless longing between you and me
We can't give up now
We're gonna make it somehow

In my sweetest dreams I'm with you
Even if somebody tried to stop my heart
I'm still alive I will never give up

Just open your eyes
Don't wanna see me cry
I'm right here where you want me to be
fighting with myself, with myself

Won't you open your eyes
Don't wanna see me cry
I'm right here where you want me to be
fighting with myself
I'm right here where you want me to be
fighting with myself
I'm right here where you want me to be
fighting with myself, with myself.
Ooh, I look like I'm dead
but when you look at me
I'm still alive

<3 michii.

saturday !!!!!Keskiviikko 08.11.2006 19:56

! :> !

<3 <3 <3Keskiviikko 08.11.2006 18:58


1. Hänen nimensä? (what's her name) - Simone
2. Hänen toinen nimensä?(what's her second name?) - pitsch
3. Hänen lempinimensä?(what's her nick name?) - -mili-
4. Mitä koulua hän käy?(In which school she's in?) - in a school with simon : DDD
5. Mikä hän on horoskoopiltaan?(what's her horoscope?) - lion :D
6. Tunnetko hänet hyvin?(do you know her well?) - joooo maybe too well ;D
7. Seurusteletko hänen kanssaan?(do you date her?) - yeeeeeeah
8. Seurusteleeko hän jonkun muun kanssa?(does she date with someone else?) - haha yes :P
9. Onko hänellä Msn Messengeriä?(does she have msn?) - joo
10. Ketä hänen perheeseensä kuuluu?(who belongs to her family?) - she is in my family : DD
11. Millainen on hänen musiikkimakunsa?(what kind of music she likes?) - the same like mine <3
12. Kuvaila häntä kolmella sanalla?(descripe her with 3 words) - pitsch, bluads, sör
13. Missä hän asuu? - deggendorf/germany
14. Miksi hän on sinulle tärkeä?(why she's important to you?) - is hoid so <3
15. Milloin tutustuit häneen?(when did you get to know her first time?) - on the day of my birth :D
16. Missä?(where?) - in the hospital I think :D
17. Harrastaako hän mitään?(does she have any hobbies?) - concerts, internet, drinking, rumpitschen :D
18. Onko hänellä kuvia IRC-Galleriassa?(does she have irc gallery?) - yepp
19. Onko sinulla hänestä muuta kuvaa?(do you have any other picture of her?) - yeah of course <3
20. Pitääkö hän sinusta?(does she like you?) - she loves me :DD <3
21. Milloin näit hänet viimeksi?(when did you see her last time?) - a month ago :'((((
22. Onko sinulla ikävä häntä?(do you miss her?) - joo
23. Rakastatko häntä?(do you love her?) - yeah <3

more is coming soon ;)

00,02Keskiviikko 08.11.2006 10:06

18,98 v :woot: : DDD

love survey.Keskiviikko 08.11.2006 09:59

Love Survey

You must answer every question.

01] Is there someone who you like at the moment?
haha yessss

O2] Have you ever given or been given roses?
yes but i wont remember this : DD

O3] What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
mhh nothing

O4] How many times can you honestly say you've been in love?
_really_ in love? not often.. maybe two times

O5] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
i think so

O6] Do you think that you should put your friends first?
in one way, yes!

O7] Have you ever had your heart broken?

O8] What do you think about long-distance relationships?
it's difficult I think

O9] Your thoughts on online relationships?

1O] Would you rather date someone five years younger or five
Five years older?
older !!

11] Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend?

12] Do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater"?
I dont know what is a "cheater" :'D

13] How many kids do you want to have?
Ihave current 2 kids, and It is enough for the moment : DDDDDD ^^

14] Do you usually fall for the wrong boy/girl?

15] What is your favorite color(s)?
pink and black and some other

16] What are your views on gay marriage?

18] Imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died, would you re-marry?
when the right man is coming, maybe. but no, I think I won't marry Oo

19] At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex?
haha in the kindergarden.. I say just "Hansi" <3

20] What song do you want to hear at your wedding?
any finish weird song

21] Do you think that special some one likes you?
i really don't know

today!Tiistai 07.11.2006 23:03

hei fools, today i'm since exactly one month in finland!!! <3
much things are happend!
nice nights in tampere, much beer and lonkero, concerts, nice boys, bad girls!

the result = i will never go back to saksa! nooo!!! ((:

<333 thanks for all nice people here <3

WTF !Maanantai 06.11.2006 15:50

today i was falling downstairs again! :DDD
i am so stupid grr! more hurtings, yeah !
