


Maybe it's not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate.

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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 12.02.2007 14:13


day of delirium, tomorrow -.-Perjantai 09.02.2007 14:02

ja morgen gehts rund. mir graust etz scho vor dem hangover am sonntag -.-;

also morgen is ja samstag (ach echt) und morgen is das eurovision ding da.. und die tolle wilde band macht da auch mit! oho!
und das dingens da is auch noch in tampere OOOOHOO :DD

ja jedenfalls geh ich morgen in ein klo, ich glaub ich geh in das kaufhas da wo ich jay mal getroffen habe, ja das is gut :D jedenfalls geh ich da rein und betrink mich mit meinem billign alc den ich gestern im alko kaufte.. mandariiiiiiiiiiiiinivodka <3 und rten lonkero gabs da auch jahaaa :] und noch so anderes zeug. ich denk mal ich werd innerhalb 15 minuten stockbesoffen sein..
naja jedenfalls muss ich dann vor 7 ins amadeus schweben.. denn um 7 geht das eurovision dings an. und ich muss das ja kucken, jaha im amadeus :)

dann singen die da die 2 schoenen neuen songs (rock n rollllllll dreeeaaammmmsss wooooh )

joo dann kommen die weiter oder halt auch nich.
vorher kommen ja auch noch tiia und satu, auch stockbesoffen, ins amadeus, denn die kucken das eurovision dings daheim und betrinken sich da schon!

jedenfalls kommt dann ie wilde band auch noch ins amadeus und dann sind wir alle besoffen, und wenn der flinch ville auch noch kommt (pseudonym FLINSCHVILL) dann pack ich mir den und .. lern dem deutsch hah :D das hättest du jetz ned erwartet, wa?

ich will ja jetz nichts sagen, aber ich glaub ich bin jetzt, es is 11:52, schon stockbesoffen Oo.. ich schreb so ne scheisse haha. naja bin ja nur ich :P

aber noch so nen problem ist, ich bin total krank :((( -40 grad, ja das bleibt nicht unbemerkt.. bei mir jedenfalls ned -.-hab heut schon voll so medizin gefressen, irgendwelche von den kindern, aber die haut trotzdem extremst rein O_o fuehl mich ganz betueddelt.. und pizza ess ich auch grad nam nam! passt ja jetz voll zam wa? :DDDD

joo danke fuer deine aufmerksamkeit, vielleicht sieht man sich ja morgen, aufm klo, im amadeus, auf der strasse oder in flinschvills bett haha. das war natuerlich ein scherz ;)

heippa tyttöt :)

und alle die kein deutsch koennen, tja da habt ihr jetz leider pech gehabt.. muesst ihr deutsch lernen um es lesen zu koennen :D ^^<3
hei peopleeeee!!!!! today i am since 4 months in finland! wooohh.. what a long time :DDD

so much is happend.. mostly nice things.. sometimes bad things :/
i have laught SO SO MUCH, i have met the best people ever <3 <3 i love them sooo much!
But i have cried too a lot, was in bad mood and just sad.. But this is past! I am so happy right now! I could jump in my room hihihiihh!!!!!! :DD

thanks for making me so nice time here.

hali ja pusu ja everything <3333333333333333


omg...Keskiviikko 07.02.2007 10:24

watching on the "thermometer": -35 degrees o_O

this is the coldest temperatur i've ever feeled *brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*

fragen ueber fragenKeskiviikko 07.02.2007 01:28

Best, Worst, Last, Today, Tomorrow, Favorite, Currently, and True or False.

001. Female friend: mili <3
002. Vacation: last summer.. festivals blah <3

001. Time of day: MORNING -.-
002. Day of the Week: monday
003. Food: spinat :O
004. Memory: ...

001. Person you saw (not parents): jysky, sampo and lotta
002. Talked to on the phone: my sister <3
003. Text: tiia
005. Message over irc: from rebecca

001. What are you doing now: sitting in my bed and being on the laptop^^
002. What are you wearing right now?: ugly clothes :P
003. Better than yesterday?: mhhh the same ^^

001. Day: Wednesday
002. Got any plans?: working
003. Dislikes about tomorrow: yeah -.-

001. Number: 16
002. Song: rock n roll dreams by wilde right now ^^
003. Color: black 'n pink
004. Season: autumn
005. Movie: La Boum

001. Missing someone: yes
002. Mood: tired and freezing
003. Wanting: bavarian like always him<3
005. Who: hän :P

True or False

I am a cuddler.

I am a morning person.

I am a perfectionist.

I am an only child.

I am currently in pajamas.

I am currently suffering from a broken heart.

I am addicted to irc.
right :D

I am online 24/7.
haha no not really

I am very shy around the opposite gender.
not when i am drunk :<

I can be paranoid at times.

I currently regret something that I have done.

When I get mad, I curse frequently.

I enjoy country music.

I love smoothies.

I enjoy talking on the phone.
no i hate them :D

I have a hard time paying attention at school.

I have a hidden talent.
yes of course

I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.

I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" girl/guy.

I have all my grandparents.

I have at least one brother and/or sister.

I have been told that I have a sense of humor:

I have had broken a bone.

I have changed a diaper.

I have changed a lot over the past year.
oh yess

I have done something illegal.

I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.

I have had major/minor surgery?

I have had my hair cut within the last 2 months.
just the "parting"

I have had the cops called on me.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 01.02.2007 22:59

i will dye my hair today back in black.. this pink is going on my nerves -.-

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 31.01.2007 13:46

You can only type ONE WORD.

1. Yourself:


3. Your hair?

4. Your mother?

5. Your Father?

6. Your Favorite Item?

7. Your dream last night?

8. Your Favorite drink?

9. Your Dream Car?

10. The Room You Are In?

11. Your Ex?

12. Your fear?

13. Where you want to be in 10 years?

14. Who did you hung out with Today?

15. What You're Not?
german :p

16. Your Best Friend?

17. One of Your Wish List Items?

18. Last thing you did?

20. What You Are Wearing?

21. Your Favorite Weather?

22. Your Favorite book?
christiane f.

23. The Last Thing You Ate?

24. Your Life?

25. Your Mood?

27. What are you thinking about right now?

How Old Were You When You First....Keskiviikko 31.01.2007 12:20

1. Fell in love?
in the kindergarden with hansi <3 ;D

2. Lost someone close to you?
mhh ...

3. Got drunk?
haha i think 11 or 12...

4. Smoked weed?
i don't know

5. Got kissed?
in the kindergarden :---DD first real kiss?? good question.. I think it was JoJo hahaha omg -.-

6. Went to the hospital for surgery?
i was in the second class and it was winter, i was falling down on a iceplate and my brain was hurtend XD they have cut it.. u can see the stigma still today ... but my hair are above them :p

7. Got your heart broken?
hah i don't know

8. Lost a pet?
pumuckel r.i.p <3 :'( i don't remember the year..

9. Got arrested?
in jail? never :p

10. Smoked a Cigarette?
lol... i don't know...

11. Broken a bone?
falling down from a horse in 1999 nd broke the right wrist.. half-broken would I say^^

12. Got a job?
hmm i can't remember.. i think in the 7th class - praktikum ^^

13. Got cheated on?

14. Drove a car?
höhö i can't remember the age but it was in a field with my sister after smoking *lala* ;

15. Went to a concert?
mhhh good question.. long time ago ^^

16. Got your own cell phone?
i think i was 12 or so...

17. Had 1st real boy/girlfriend?
never had a real boyfriend :----DDD just for fun blah ^^

18. Got a irc account?
i think 18 or sou !?

19. Snuck out of the house?
i think i've never done this

20. Pierced other than your ears?
13 the nose :P

21. Got caught having sex?
hahh never 8

22. Skinny dipped?

23. Snuck someone in your house?
13 or so.. jojo ws coming on the balcony hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahah

24. How old are you now?
19,21 :P