
What planet should you rule?Maanantai 16.06.2008 01:24

You Should Rule Saturn
Saturn is a mysterious planet that can rarely be seen with the naked eye.

You are perfect to rule Saturn because like its rings, you don't always follow the rules of nature.
And like Saturn, to really be able to understand you, someone delve beyond your appearance.

You are not an easy person to befriend. However, once you enter a friendship, you'll be a friend for life.
You think slowly but deeply. You only gain great understanding after a situation has past.

Vähän kuulostaa hyvältä O.o

omatunto puhdistui! :DSunnuntai 15.06.2008 19:22

Suklaa tehdään kaakaopavuista. Papu on vihannes. Sokeri tehdään sikeriruo'oista tai sokerijuurikkaista. Kumpikin on kasvi ja ne kuuluvat vihannesten alaluokkaan. Siispä suklaa on vihannes!
Jos mennään vielä pidemmälle, niin suklaalevyt sisältävät maitoa. Maitotuotteet ovat terveellisiä. Kaikki suklaapäällysteiset rusina, kirsikat, banaanit jne. ovat hedelmiä, joten niitä voi syödä niin paljon kuin haluaa. Pidä myös mielessä, että englannin stressaantunutta tarkoittava sana STRESSED on lopusta alkuun luettaessa =DESSERTS eli jälkiruoat. Näin ollen jälkiruoat ovat stressin vasta-aineita.

Jos olet suklaafriikki lisää tämä päiväkirjaasi tai lähetä muille suklaahulluille jotka tunnet!

What's your theme song?Sunnuntai 15.06.2008 01:43

Your Theme Song is Beautiful Day by U2
"Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away"

You see the beauty in life, especially in ordinary everyday moments.
And if you're feeling down, even that seems a little beautiful too.

What time of day are you?Sunnuntai 15.06.2008 01:39

You Are Sunset
Even though you still may be young, you already feel like you've accomplished a lot in life.
And you feel free to pave your own path now, and you're not even sure where it will take you.
Maybe you'll pursue higher education in a subject you enjoy - or travel the world for a few years.
Either way, you approach life with a relaxed, open attitude. And that will take you far!

What is your love based on?Sunnuntai 15.06.2008 00:54

Your Love is Based on Commitment
You believe that love is something that develops and grows.
You don't believe in love at first site, and you never mistake lust for love.
For you, love is about mutual devotion, respect, and understanding.
You don't feel comfortable in a relationship, unless you're both in it for the long run.

Why your love can last: You don't take commitment lightly - or leave relationships easily

Why your love can fail: You're so committed, you often can't see the most obvious problems in your relationship

Totta jälleen.

What's your Japanese name?Sunnuntai 15.06.2008 00:49

Your Japanese Name Is...
.....Yumiko Konjo


Where should you live?Sunnuntai 15.06.2008 00:45

You Should Live in a Small City
You are definitely an urban person, but not any old city will do.
You want a city that matches you well. For you, big cities lack individuality.
You prefer a smaller city with lots of personality, local culture, and history.

Niin totta...!

What sort of artist should you be?Sunnuntai 15.06.2008 00:40

You Should Be a Poet
You have a way with words... and a talent for drawing the pure emotions out of experiences.
Your poetry has the potential to make people laugh and cry at the same time. You just need to write it!

How indie are you?Sunnuntai 15.06.2008 00:38

You Are 73% Indie
You're a very indie person, and admit it, you look down a little on people who strive to be normal.
You'll indulge in a little mainstream pop culture every now and then. But for you, anything not indie is a guilty pleasure!

Your vampire name is...Sunnuntai 15.06.2008 00:35