
Dear Tugboat Annie,Torstai 17.12.2009 01:31

Thank you for your letter which had nothing remotely to do with the English language as we know it. I shall light a candle for you this Sunday - how else could you be saved?
This jigsaw business is really gripping I just can't wait to get it completed (yawn).
Thank you for the photo. Has anyone ever told you that you look like Grace Jones? You sound like a real fun kid. The postcard was a scream - I feel asleep reading it. Is it too late to ignore your Sounds ad?
So, you don't think I'm insane? Coming from you this isn't too encouraging. I'm convinced that you're insane. I'm usually right about these things.
Today I bought "Love Zombies" by the Monochrome Set. It's a lovely record, but I feel I would enjoy it much more if I had a long mac. Actually, I have three. Are YOU "bleak 'n industrial"?
I'm sorry you lost your sister. That sounds very careless. I wish I could lose mine.
What End music doth you dig? I have always considered "Tiger mountain" to be one of the best albums ever, and "Warm Jets" is fab too. As for old Uncle Lou - "The Bells" must be his 'meisterwork'. As for 'BICAMERAL' (everyone knows what this means, schmock-face), why not observe the run-off of 'Boy's Keep Swinging'? Heavens above!
Don't tell me you take acid! I might have known you're so typically 1980. As for the "lrn-Bru", well, such things are beneath discussion. I supposed you like "Not the Nine 'O Clock News" too, and masturbate to pictures of Anha Ford SO typical.
Since you so politely ask, in my spare time I waltz around sunny Manchester looking sultry, overeducated, and kinda deco (whatever that means). I consider it my only real purpose in life to look as bored as humanly possible. I'm SO old-fashioned.
Here is what burning waxings that presently turn me on (babee);
Today I died again (Simple Minds)
How I wrote elastic man (The Fall)
The end (Nico)
Frankenstein (New York Dolls)
Sweetheart Contract (Magazine)
Fantastic voyage (David Bowie)
6060-842 (B-52's)
My cheery is in Sherry (Ludus)
Do you get out much? Or do you watch television all week? You really don't tell me much about yourself. Are you catholic, or what? The questions are getting desperatesville. Who are you anyway? I know absolutely NOTHING about you. Maybe it's just as well, Are you a nice person? Are your parents rich? Do you smoke (I supposed you do)? Failure to answer these questions may result in prosecution. I wish you'd send me a photo. I like to see who I'm criticising. Oh well, I'm off upstairs to play "Love Zombies"!
Your good friend of friends,

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