
ctrlTiistai 12.05.2009 23:05

Damn! Tuli kutsua ctrl:n syksyn mallistonn "myyjäisiin", mut joudun missaa ku oon oman kullan kanssa HooäMmmäLlässä :) digautan

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 12.05.2009 18:38

Une p'tit' poupée dans ma tape-cul

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 11.05.2009 01:44

tykkään pizzasta! tykkääkö HML pizzasta?!

News!Keskiviikko 06.05.2009 13:08

Jeah sain äske kuulla et mut lähetettäs heinäkuussa etelä-afrikkaan kuvamaan ku merivoimat kuumottelee merirosvoi! ei onneks yhtään danger danger red alert shittii.

<3Maanantai 04.05.2009 15:16


[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 01.05.2009 19:43


vappunenTorstai 30.04.2009 18:08

Joo semi wierd fiilikset pääl ku tääl mun koko duunimestas (merivoimien esikunta) ei oo täl hetkel ketää muit ku mä! Tää koko vitun 20milj. euron palatsi on mun! kiertelen tääl vaa iha randomil ja muut on viettämäs vappuu nice

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 13:05

the fucking cops are fucking keen
to fucking keep it fucking clean

the fucking chief's a fucking swine
who fucking draws a fucking line
at fucking fun and fucking games
the fucking kids he fucking blames
are nowehere to be fucking found
anywhere in chicken town

the fucking scene is fucking sad
the fucking news is fucking bad
the fucking weed is fucking turf
the fucking speed is fucking surf
the fucking folks are fucking daft
don't make me fucking laugh
it fucking hurts to look around
everywhere in chicken town

the fucking train is fucking late
you fucking wait you fucking wait
you're fucking lost and fucking found
stuck in fucking chicken town

the fucking view is fucking vile
for fucking miles and fucking miles
the fucking babies fucking cry
the fucking flowers fucking die
the fucking food is fucking muck
the fucking drains are fucking fucked
the colour scheme is fucking brown
everywhere in chicken town

the fucking pubs are fucking dull
the fucking clubs are fucking full
of fucking girls and fucking guys
with fucking murder in their eyes
a fucking bloke is fucking stabbed
waiting for a fucking cab
you fucking stay at fucking home
the fucking neighbors fucking moan
keep the fucking racket down
this is fucking chicken town
the fucking train is fucking late
you fucking wait you fucking wait
you're fucking lost and fucking found
stuck in fucking chicken town

the fucking pies are fucking old
the fucking chips are fucking cold
the fucking beer is fucking flat
the fucking flats have fucking rats
the fucking clocks are fucking wrong
the fucking days are fucking long
it fucking gets you fucking down
evidently chicken town

blog report!Tiistai 28.04.2009 16:19

Eilen kävin kehittää vähä lisää photoi nii huomen sit varmaan räjähtää blogillinen saatanallista mutaa naamallenne! Jos kehtaan mukana on myös lauantain "hc punk baari paskaks mellakka poke potki ihmisiä tero kuristettii-photoi" wait and see

let's go get cokes!Torstai 23.04.2009 16:34