


“Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart bigger.”
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Without You

I shouldn’t have done that, I should have pretended not to know
like I didn’t see it, like I couldn’t see it
I shouldn’t have looked at you in the first place

I should have run away, I should have pretended I wasn’t listening
like I didn’t hear it, like I couldn’t hear it, I shouldn’t have heard your love in the first place

Without a word, you made me know what love is, Without a word, you gave me your love, Made me fill myself with your every breath, Then you ran away

Without a word, love leaves me, Without a word, love abandons me
Wondering what to say next, My lips were surprised
It came without a word

Why does it hurt so much? Why does it hurt continuously?
Except for the fact that I can’t see you anymore,
and that you’re not here anymore, otherwise, it’ll be just the same like before

Without a word, you made me know what love is, Without a word, you gave me your love, Made me fill myself with your every breath
Then you ran away

Without a word, love leaves me, Without a word, love abandons me
Wondering what to say next, My lips were surprised

Without a word, tears starts falling down, Without a word, my heart is broken

Without a word, I waited for love, Without a word, love hurts me
I’ve become transparent, I’ve become a fool and I cry just by looking at the sky

Without a word, separation finds me, Without a word, the end comes to me, It tool my heart by surprised, To send you away unexpectedly, It came without a word

Without a word, love appears, Without a word, love vanishes
Like a fever I’ve had, maybe all I have to do is hurt for a while
Because in the end, the only thing that remains are scars