


Calle Kristiansson<333

wuuhuuuuuuLauantai 08.08.2009 08:18

noora, taru ja heidi+ seura:
vitun epäluotettava petri kakkonen
tarun bestis petri ykkönen
fliigenflöögen jaakko
markku jolla oli iso auto ja joka oli petri kakkosen isoveli
vitun 202 metrinen jussi
vitun ninja erkkimasahannu
ja selvinpäin oleva kuskimikko

ja franzzz ja tommi oli aika ihkuja! :D

dam.Torstai 06.08.2009 23:52

Jos saat yli 45, olet huonoa seuraa.
Jos saat alle 15, on mahdollisuus että olet elänyt elämäsi tähän asti kiven alla vailla elämää ja kontaktia muihin ihmisiin.. vielä pahempaa.
* Plussaa yhteen kaikki tekemäsi asiat.

Oletko koskaan..

1. Polttanut tupakkaa
2. Juonut alkoholia
3. Nukkunut samassa sängyssä vastakkaista sukupuolta olevan kanssa
4. Nukkunut samassa sängyssä samaa sukupuolta olevan kanssa
5. Suudellut samaa sukupuolta olevaa
6. Harrastanut seksiä
7. Ollut huoneessasi jonkun muun kuin perheenjäsenesi kanssa
8. Katsonut pornoa
9. Ostanut pornoa
10. Tehnyt huumeita

1. Ottanut särkylääkkeitä
2. Ottanut jonkun muun reseptilääkkeitä
3. Valehdellut vanhemmillesi
4. Valehdellut ystävällesi
5. Livahtanut salaa ulos kotoa
6. Tehnyt jotain laitonta
7. Viillellyt itseäsi
8. Satuttanut toista tahallisesti
9. Toivonut jonkun kuolevan
10. Nähnyt jonkun kuolevan

1. Harrastanut kimppaseksiä
2. Ollut ulkona koko yön
3. Syönyt paketillisen jäätelöä yksin
4. Ollut terapeutilla
5. Ollut katkaisuhoidossa
6. Värjännyt hiuksesi
7. Kielisuudellut
8. Ollut auto-onnettomuudessa
9. Ollut yökerhossa
10. Ollut baarissa

1. Ollut villeissä bileissä
2. Ollut strippiklubilla
3. Juonut enemmän kuin kolme kaljaa yhtenä yönä
4. Ollut kesälomalla Floridassa
5. Nuuskinut kaikkea
6. Käyttänyt mustaa kynsilakkaa
7. Käyttänyt käsirautoja
8. Käyttänyt bändipaitoja
9. Kuunnellut räppiä
10. Omistanut 50 Centin CD:n

1. Pukeutunut gootiksi/goottimaisesti
2. Pukeutunut pissikseksi/pissismäisesti
3. Pukeutunut punkkariksi/punkkarimaisesti
4. Ollut ulkona alasti päivällä
5. Varastanut jotain
6. Ollut liian kännissä muistaaksesi mitään
7. Sammunut
8. Pyörtynyt
9. Ihastunut naapuriin
10. Huomannut jonkun livahtavan salaa huoneeseesi

1. Livahtanut salaa jonkun muun huoneeseen
2. Ihastunut parhaaseen ystävääsi
3. Ihastunut parhaan ystäväsi poika/tyttöystävään
4. Ollut konsertissa
5. Ollut kutsuttuna huoraksi/lutkaksi
6. Kutsunut jotain huoraksi/lutkaksi
7. Omistanut auton
8. Rikkonut ikkunan
9. Käynyt suihkussa vastakkaista sukupuolta olevan talossa
10. Harjannut hampaasi jonkun muun hammasharjalla

1. Sanonut Tupacin olevan lempiräppärisi
2. Nähnyt K-15 elokuvan
3. Nähnyt K-18 elokuvan
4. Lintsannut koulusta
5. Ollut leikkauksessa
6. Haavoittunut vakavasti
7. Joutunut oikeuteen
8. Livahtanut ulos ravintolasta maksamatta
9. Sammuttanut ison tulipalon
10. Valehdellut ikäsi

1. Omistanut/vuokrannut asunnon
2. Rikkonut lakia poliisin läsnäollessa
3. Pettänyt poika/tyttöystävääsi
4. Joutunut ongelmiin poliisien kanssa
5. Jutellut vieraan kanssa
6. Halannut vierasta
7. Suudellut vierasta
8. Ollut vieraan autossa
9. Ollut ahdisteltuna
10. Ollut sanallisesti ahdisteltuna

1. Tavannut jonkun jonka tapasit netissä
2. Ollut tietokoneella 12 tuntia putkeen
3. Puhunut puhelimessa 4 tuntia putkeen
4. Katsonut telkkaria 12 tuntia putkeen
5. Suudellut parhaan ystäväsi poika/tyttöystävää
6. Ollut kutsuttuna huonoksi seuraksi
7. Ajanut kännissä
8. Haukkunut jotain
9. Maannut sohvalla vastakkaisen sukupuolen kanssa
10. Luntannut kokeessa

Yht: 46

Seksikkyyden multihuipentuma.Tiistai 04.08.2009 00:19

yks parhaista musvideoista ikinä, vähän pitkä mut kattomisen arvonen. vitun hauska, nauroin kuollakseni. Paras huumorintaju Nixulla :'D JA NUO TANSSILIIKKEET<3

part 1:
part 2:

tuo biisi tuon videon kera on silkkaa neroutta.
The coolest motherfucker on the planet, and he's got the moves!

Kun Noora löysi Nixun...Tiistai 28.07.2009 00:21

Se oli ikuista rakkautta.

Näin on nyt käynyt. :D

the curse of millhaven<3

I live in a town called millhaven
And its small and its mean and its cold
But if you come around just as the sun goes down
You can watch the whole town turn to gold
Its around about then that I used to go a-roaming
Singing la la la la la la la lie
All gods children they all gotta die
My name is loretta but I prefer lottie
Im closing in on my fifteenth year
And if you think you have seen a pair of eyes more green
Then you sure didnt see them around here
My hair is yellow and Im always a-combing
La la la la la la la lie
Mama often told me we all got to die
You must have heard about the curse of millhaven
How last christmas bill blakes little boy didnt come
They found him next week in one mile creek
His head bashed in and his pockets full of stones
Well, just imagine all the wailing and moaning
La la la la la la la lie
Even little billy blakes boy, he had to die
Then professor orye from millhaven high
Found nailed to his door his prize-winning terrier
Then next day the old fool brought little biko to school
And we all had to watch as he buried her
His eulogy to biko had all the tears a-flowing
La la la la la la la lie
Even gods little creatures, they have to die
Our little town fell into a state of shock
A lot of people were saying things that made little sense
Then the next thing you know the head of handyman joe
Was found in the fountain of the mayors residence
Foul play can really get a small town going
La la la la la la la lie
Even gods children all have to die
Then, in a cruel twist of fate, old mrs colgate
Was stabbed but the job was not complete
The last thing she said before the cops pronounced her
Was, my killer is loretta and she lives across the
Twenty cops burst through my door without even phoning
La la la la la la la lie
The young ones, the old ones, they all gotta die
Yes, it is i, lottie. the curse of millhaven
Ive struck horror in the heart of this town
Like my eyes aint green and my hair aint yellow
Its more like the other way around
I gotta pretty little mouth underneath all the foaming
La la la la la la la lie
Sooner or later we all gotta die
Since I was no bigger than a weavil theyve been saying i
Was evil
That if bad was a boot that Id fit it
That Im a wicked young lady, but Ive been trying hard
O fuck it! Im a monster! I admit it!
It makes me so mad my blood really starts a-going
La la la la la la la lie
Mama always told me that we all gotta die
Yeah, I drowned the blakey kid, stabbed mrs. colgate, i
Did the handyman with his circular saw in his garden shed
But I never crucified little biko, that was two junior
High school psychos
Stinky bohoon and his friend with the pumpkin-sized head
Ill sing to the lot, now you got me going
La la la la la la la lie
All gods children have all gotta die
There were all the others, all our sisters and brothers
You assumed were accidents, best forgotten
Recall the children who broke through the ice on lake
Everyone assumed the warning signs had
Followed them to the bottom
Well, theyre underneath the house where I do quite a bit
Of stowing
La la la la la la la lie
Even twenty little children, they had to die
And the fire of 91 that razed the bella vista slum
There was the biggest shit-fight this countrys ever seen
Insurance companies ruined, land lords getting sued
All cause of wee girl with a can of gasoline
Those flames really roared when the wind started blowing
La la la la la la la lie
Rich man, poor man, all got to die
Well I confessed to all these crimes and they put me on
I was laughing when they took me away
Off to the asylum in an old black mariah
It aint home, but you know, its fucking better than
It aint such bad old place to have a home in
La la la la la la la lie
All gods children they all gotta die
Now I got shrinks that will not rest with their endless
Rorschach tests
I keep telling them theyre out to get me
They ask me if I feel remorse and I answer, why of
There is so much more I could have done if theyd let
So its rorschach and prozac and everything is groovy
Singing la la la la la la la lie
All gods children they all have to die
La la la la la la la lie
Im happy as a lark and everything is fine
Singing la la la la la la la lie
Yeah, everything is groovy and everything is fine
Singing la la la la la la la lie
All gods children they gotta die 26.07.2009 15:51

kaunis mies.
4.10 ihana hymy. Sen pitäs hymyillä useemmin.

rakkautta.Maanantai 20.07.2009 20:18

What we once thought we had we didn't, and what we have now will never be that way again
So we call upon the author to explain

(Doop doop doop doop dooop)

Our myxomatoid kids spraddle the streets, we've shunned them from the greasy-grind
The poor little things, they look so sad and old as they mount us from behind
I ask them to desist and to refrain
And then we call upon the author to explain

(Doop doop doop doop dooop)

Rosary clutched in his hand, he died with tubes up his nose
And a cabal of angels with finger cymbals chanted his name in code
We shook our fists at the punishing rain
And we call upon the author to explain

(Doop doop doop doop dooop)

He said everything is messed up around here, everything is banal and jejune
There is a planetary conspiracy against the likes of you and me in this idiot constituency of the moon
Well, he knew exactly who to blame
And we call upon the author to explain

(Doop doop doop doop dooop)

Prolix! Prolix! Nothing a pair of scissors can't fix!
Prolix! Prolix! Nothing a pair of scissors can't fix!

(Doop doop doop doop dooop)

Well, I go guruing down the street, young people gather round my feet
Ask me things, but I don' know where to start
They ignite the power-trail ssstraight to my father's heart
And once again I call upon the author to explain

(Doop doop doop doop dooop ...)

We call upon the author to explain

Who is this great burdensome slavering dog-thing that mediocres my every thought?
I feel like a vacuum cleaner, a complete sucker, it's fucked up and he is a fucker
But what an enormous and encyclopaedic brain
I call upon the author to explain

(Doop doop doop doop dooop ...)

Oh rampant discrimination, mass poverty, third world debt, infectious diseease
Global inequality and deepening socio-economic divisions
Well, it does in your brain
And we call upon the author to explain

(Doop doop doop doop dooop ...)

Now hang on, my friend Doug is tapping on the window (Hey Doug, how you been?)
Brings me back a book on holocaust poetry complete with pictures
Then tells me to get ready for the rain
And we call upon the author to explain

(Doop doop doop doop dooop ...)

I say prolix! Prolix! Something a pair of scissors can fix

Bukowski was a jerk! Berryman was best!
He wrote like wet papier mache, went the Heming-way weirdly on wings and with maximum pain
We call upon the author to explain

(Doop doop doop doop dooop ...)

Down in my bolthole I see they've published another volume of unreconstructed rubbish
"The waves, the waves were soldiers moving". Well, thank you, thank you, thank you
And again I call upon the author to explain
Yeah, we call upon the author to explain

Prolix! Prolix! There's nothing a pair of scissors can't fix!

<3Maanantai 20.07.2009 19:56

alkuspiikki, ekat 40sekkaa.
ihana mies. i am in love.


kuuma mies.<3