


Life sucks, and then you die.

GrrrTorstai 19.11.2009 17:22


!!Maanantai 16.11.2009 22:15

nii ketkä on marssimas maaliskuus kattoo 30stm:ää?! ja vielä uudestaan

"Who says we're not dickheads?!"Tiistai 10.11.2009 19:41

Luin tossa kesäkuun kerrangii. Fanit kyseli Green Dayltä vähän kysymyksiä...

If your two bandmates were hanging off a cliff and you only had time to save one, who would you save and why?
Tré: I'd jump off. No I'd save Billie because he's the lightest, so he'd be the easiest to pull up.
Billie Joe: Oh yeah? I'd say Mike because I've known him longer than you.
Tré: Thanks for that!
Mike: I'd step both of your hands and take all the glory. Of course, afterwards, I'd tell everyone, "It was real tough moment as I tried to save them both with the last of my strength..."

Would you perform completely naked onstage again?
Billie Joe: No, I don't think so. Once some of yout fans are younger than the length of time your band has been around, then you can't get naked anymore.
Tré: Did she say please?

If Green Day and Blink 182 were to have a fist fight (no weapons allowed), who would win?
Mike: Those guys are pretty big but we fight dirty. I'll bite your balls if you're not careful.
Tré: If it was naked mud wrestling, they could take us. If we were in baby oil and bikinis, then we'd win.
Mike: His name is DeLonge, dude. Do you want to get naked with a man with 'long' in his name?

Do you guys ever Google yourselves?
Tré: Nope, just porn.
Billie Joe: No I don't Google myself. I try to avoid that sort of thing. I Googled my wife once.
Tré: Oh yeah? I bet she loved it!
Mike: From the phone calls I get from my family, I'm assuming there's quite a lot that's untrue about me out there. They phone up going, "I can't believe you said that about us!" and I have to go, "Don't read that stuff, it's not true".
Tré: My mom was surprised to learn she was dead! She phoned me up to tell me that she felt pretty good for being dead.

TiredLauantai 07.11.2009 20:26

heräsinki tänää niinku 5.30. tänää oli mun ekaa työpäivä hahaa. vaikkei se kauaa kestänykkää, mut rahaa siit kumminki saa. sain tollasen vihkosen ja siit on kuulemma joku pistokoe joskus 8D

Anybody?Perjantai 06.11.2009 17:34

kuka haluu kustantaa mut matkat ja majotukset lontoosee ens kesäkuus? saa sit tietty kans maksaa ton lipun tol green dayn keikal mikä sillo siel on!
miks mul ei oo ikinä rahaa tarpeeks sillo sitä tarvis? täää on ihan kamalaa. oikeeeeesti.
Emmaaa auta mua! meiän pitää keksii jotai tosi viisast nyt

ProTiistai 03.11.2009 19:11

Arvatkaas kuka jätti kännykän tänää bussii....
Hyvä minä!

A little bikini dance to start your dayLauantai 31.10.2009 14:45

OK2BGAYTorstai 29.10.2009 21:12

päivän (illan oikeestaa) piristystä.....

LolTiistai 27.10.2009 20:34

juu meiän äikän opettaja leijus tänää ku sil oli lyhyt matikka kymppi, ku se aikoinaa oli lukios...

Gr8Tiistai 27.10.2009 19:09

saatii tänää kokeet ja onnenlehdet (niinkuin ystävämme Ekonen sanoisi). pääsin sitte kaikista läpi. hah. fysiikasta tuli vitone että just ja just meni :D

hyvä minä!