
Since the day you dissed me I'm feeling so pathetic.

You don't care enough to try.

By the way, I love the way you dress.

P.S. Will someone please turn on the light?
For me there is no one but you!

Please, love me too.

The moment I wake up, before I put on my makeup,
I say a little pray for you.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 25.12.2006 17:50

En pysty, liian hapokasta.

26.12.06 01:00 <LoLLerO> wanha?

Kiva ku ei muista.Maanantai 25.12.2006 05:19

Why ihminen ei aina jaksa?Maanantai 25.12.2006 05:14

Miks pitää olla boring?? Maanantai 25.12.2006 05:14

Miks pitää väsyttää?Maanantai 25.12.2006 05:11

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 25.12.2006 05:10

I think I can see it all tonight, with you on stage.