

Singstar is fun :3Sunnuntai 02.03.2008 18:44

We don´t have to take our clothes of!!

jenny I blame you!!´s a new day!Perjantai 15.02.2008 02:28

wtf,today I´m supposed to go to school,do a freaggin test that I don´t even know anything about and after that I´m gonna have to sit and watch a bloody awfull movie that me and my crew made....and btw there will be critics looking at it....and not just anyone...but also a person from Nordic film industry.....wich is a pretty huge thing....-____-''' I´m tired...

Tired and sickTorstai 14.02.2008 23:51

but hey....I have a test tomorrow...maybe I'll feel better then..probably not...

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 10.02.2008 03:43

siis Millionaires is a group formed by three MySpace celeb´s,Dani Gore,Melissa nad Alisson,they´ve becom famous because of youtube and MySpace.

MillionaresLauantai 09.02.2008 18:31

MiyavinessTiistai 05.02.2008 18:19

this day sucked assssssssssss......Tiistai 05.02.2008 17:48

I wouldn´t want to film am ovie with my film crew ever again...thank god jenny is there or else I would´ve killed some of them by feeding them to hungry turtles a long time ago...:V
Well to keep myself sain I always think of the good things in life....a good bed,awesome music,conserts,pocky,nails,clothes and then I´m already feeling better...-.-'
well well.... Back-On - New world <3

cuteness!:DKeskiviikko 30.01.2008 17:52

former member of Morning musume Mari Yaguchi is very cute,here are some videos of her :D <---on matthews´best hit generation xDLolol <---- trying to speak english :D