


Once Upon The Cross..

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Orgy - RevivalMaanantai 28.07.2014 19:18

Tämmönenki bändi joskus ollu..:)

So what's with your kind
You scavenge find what makes you
Supreme in design
Accuse you 'cause they had the fun
So differently divine
When my mind goes override
It's so typical to capture anonymity
I choose the crowd to divide

so you see I try I cannot ever displace
You see I'm jaded at times from nowhere leaving this place
So you see me die right in front of your face
You see I'm jaded at times from nowhere leaving this place

They made us with a tool
Then they taught us how to live
We met the candyman
He filled us with his contraband
Then they scared us all away

While your visting your bubble of reality
Salivating at the sound of the bells
I'll be seducing you through your confession
They've been the ones you've known forever
Someone's been lied to with all the rage Caught us dismal
at times we've known forever

And so you see I try I cannot ever displace
You see I'm jaded at times from nowhere leaving this place
So you see me die right in front of your face
You see I'm jaded at times from nowhere leaving this place

You've been denied of supervision
Just a test tube life away
How could you make believe that we've grown through circumcision
When it's right here next to me
Friendships change to time
They'd never let us leave
You took your time so too late
Missing what you've never had
I'll be the only one that knows just how we've been abused

And so you see I try I cannot ever displace
You see I'm jaded at times from nowhere leaving this place
So you see me die right in front of your face
You see I'm jaded at times from nowhere leaving this place

Coal Chamber - BeckonedSunnuntai 27.07.2014 08:19

All dressed in black
Eyes of attack
Coming with one hand in pocket
To take from me
Sin in the eyes I see
Sin is nice of me
Nothing left for me
Forget it

You have messed up
Can't do anything
And I have messed up
Can't do anything
You're just a fuckup
I'm just a fuckup
We're just two fuckups
At least we're fucked
Up together

So sad to see you go
I said to myself you
So sad to see a mind
Disappear through
Lunacy's an argued
I guess there's no time
To waste
Oh passing times it's a
Passing phase
Forget it

You have messed up
Can't do anything
And I have messed up
Can't do anything
You're just a fuckup
I'm just a fuckup
We're just two fuckups
At least we're fucked
Up together

We are two fuckups

You have messed up
Can't do anything
And I have messed up
Can't do anything
You're just a fuckup
I'm just a fuckup
We're just two fuckups
At least we're fucked
Up together

Together, together
Together, together...on

Gojira - Liquid FireTorstai 24.07.2014 23:00

Eject from the womb, restrained, I'm catching the wind
Unfolded fire blows with the words, straight from within
The second I was born I found a shelter deep in my own
I ventured further out on the edge of the glacier

This is how we talk to the world
Pure liquid fire running through our veins
We're in this alone, we bow to no one
Carved by the waves, our sacred temple
Sing the praises of no flag, we set the tone
This is no fiction, we've come to an end now
Our conviction untouched, we build a life straight
Intelligence of heart as only guidance

Infinite power lies all around us and in the heart
The flashes find a way, stealing through these broken walls
And when this fire grows, it does it so we can't remember
The meaning of this life, we'll be marching until the end

Had not taste for more lies, we are standing alone
The bright treasure found has no price and no name
In the light of this star, with the forces aligned

This is how we talk to the world
Pure liquid fire running through our veins
We're in this alone, we bow to no one
Carved by the waves, our sacred temple
Sing the praises of no flag, we set the tone
This is no fiction, we've come to an end now
Our conviction untouched, we build a life straight
Intelligence of heart as only guidance

Soulfly - Back To The PrimitiveTorstai 24.07.2014 20:29

Um, dois, tre^is, quatro...

Back to the primitive
Fuck all your politics
We got our life to live
The way we want to be

Back to the primitive
Fuck all your politics
"Who feels it, knows it"
(Bob Marley)
And God will guide me

Back to the primitive
Fuck all your bullshit
We're back to set it free
Confronting the negative

Back to the primitive
Fuck all you wannabes
You don't mean shit to me
Let it bleed...


Back to the primitive
Fuck all your politics
We got our life to live
The way we want to be

Back to the primitive
Fuck all your politics
How it used to be
Check your reality

Back to the primitive
Fuck all your politics
Fuck all you wannabes

Back to the primitive
Fuck all your politics
Forever we will be
What we want to be


Stam1na - RabiesTorstai 24.07.2014 14:00

Jäi eilen soimaan sen verran päähän..:)

Sain pureman
Pahan pureman apinan pureman
Pärskin suustani vaahtovanaa
Raivotaudin raittiina karjun
Vesikauhussa kostonjanossa
Tautinin tarttuu rankkurit pakenee
Pandemiaani lääkärit välttelee
Virus asuttaa aivokuorta
Virus satuttaa kouristuttaa

Surman suussa rabies

Kynsin hampain tapan teidät jos vapaaksi lasketaan
Eläimellinen on kipu rintaa polttaa oksennuskammo
Homo homini lupus nelistän luiden tyngillä
Ihmisen kuvassa kudokset kanvakset
Karmeista karmeista irrotettuina

Ei hoitokeinoa ei keinohoitoa
Ei enää huijausta

Lääkkeiden tarkoitus on luoda sietokykyä yksilön kivulle
Rokote anniskeluravintolatarjoilijan suoja hepatiittiriskille
Seksiaktin aikana eläimen vaisto ottaa vallan
Varo ihmistä
Luollisuudesta on tullut perverssiä



Kissa tuo kuolleen oravan ovelle
Opettaakseen kuinka ruokaa haetaan
Hyökätessään isäntänsä kasvoihin

Hikoile hikesi tunnistat partnerin
Aistein sulatat talvihorroksen
Sen sisäisen eläimen luulit kuolleen
Ajan hampaisiin



Soulfly ft. Corey Taylor - Jump Da Fuck UpKeskiviikko 23.07.2014 19:27

Melkein unohtanut kyseisen Laulu- ja soitinyhtyeen..:)


Muthafucka u don't understand
All my hate!
Muthafucka u don't understand
All my rage!
Muthafucka u don't understand
All my pain!
Muthafucka u don't understand...

You seem to sever all my frequencies
I'm tethered to your energies
And everything turns inside out
I can't be killed but I'm not too proud

Maybe you would like to peek through the curtain
At the same mistake you know you always make
But...all I really want to know is
Are you gonna lay the fuck back down
Or jump da fuck up?

Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
I'm full of hate, don't fuck with me
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
Open up your eyes and fucking see
We got the tribe against society
We got to fight the real enemy
Get da fuck up, stand da fuck up
Back da fuck up

All this is making things a bit insane
And I don't care who stares or stays
The only thing that matters is
Will you reach out if you can't resist?

Maybe you don't give a shit for the rest of us
But if you do, the time is now, if it ever was
If you're gonna fight, whatcha gonna do?
Jump da fuck up!

Muthafucka u don't understand
All my hate!
Muthafucka u don't understand
All my rage!
Muthafucka u don't understand
All my pain!
Muthafucka u don't understand...

How dare you single out my honesty
Compare me to your travesties
I only want to see you fight
The darkness you wanna live your life by

And if you're gonna quit
I don't give a shit
What the fuck, I'm a Mack truck
Are you gonna give up like a bitch
Or jump da fuck up?

Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
I'm full of hate, don't fuck with me
Walking in da streets and looking at all this shit
Open up your eyes and fucking see
We got the tribe against society
We got to fight the real enemy
Get da fuck up, stand da fuck up

I'm a self-destructive piece of shit
Smear me in
I don't owe you a goddamn thing
This life has never had the swing
I don't wanna be immortal or legend or anything
Cuz the longer I'm alive, the better off you'll be
Get ready for epitome, come on and pity me...
Will you kill me if I say please?

I'm the same old reasons not to try
What the hell
Beat to death with a shovel and a new smell
Come and get me, mom would never let me do it
I'm ruined, I don't want anything from you
Cuz I've got nothing left to prove, c'mon
My time, everything feels fine, goodbye
Killing from the inside

Gojira - OroborusKeskiviikko 23.07.2014 19:04

Serpent of light, movement of the soul
crawling stately along the spine
Mighty phoenix, from the ashes arises
Firebird cycle, life, regenerate the cell

Life burns fierce, reduced to ashes
Resurrection from the flame, ageless process
Quest for absolution, out of bounds introspect
Self-consuming womb, ever-present, meet no end

It seems like I always knew this
since I'm a child I can feel it
My inner light everlasting
revolving within a circle

Extended wings I'm flying
over the valleys and planes
The curve of space I'm leaving
death is just an illusion

Oroborus symbol of eternal life
dig a tunnel through light, through ignorant walls
I'm counting the days but I'm dying
Grow up with impatience I'm falling down

On the peaks of radiant mountains
this truth is growing before before me
My attention fixed on this silence
Rediscover life while I'm breathing

Designing the shape of material
Frozen icon distant reminder
Mankind has forgotten the gateways
By the mouth of the serpent regenerate

Mandalavandalz - Kaapiaiden AarreKeskiviikko 23.07.2014 04:37

Ja sit ihan erilaista settiä..!

Aamupalaverissa syömättä jää sämpylä
vaan kyllä vissyä menee toinenkin pullo
Pesen leiman kämmenestä
hirviö tuijottaa peilistä
Yheksän kertaa näin käy kymmenestä

Skenetän yöt
Verkostoidun avajaisten jälkilöylyissä

Töissä kuolettavan tylsä luotettava ylkä
muuttuu matkalla kotiin ja armahtaa omatunto
Vieläkään ei posti ole tuonut erästä kutsua vaan
piireihin uin kunhan kestää kunto

Kukaan ei kotoa hae
Se on ensimmäinen jae
Annan ilmaisen vinkin:
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Huomaavainen lieventää totuuden
Nappailu vasta on skenetystä kun on silmäätekeviä läsnä
Itseä suosittelen kun kuosittelen

Skenetän yöt
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Ständeille kiilaan messuilla
Suhteita solmin höyryissä