I'm gonna tell you why walruses are soulful beasts, this is a story about a walrus, the walrus to tell a story about, we shall call him W.
W was just like an ordinary walrus, laying around the beach and sometimes cathing some fish, but only when he absolutely had to. Because he cared for the soul life of the fish too and always tried to avoid but an end to ones lifespan. So because this today, like many days before, he went to what was known among the walruses as the Trash Tour. It was the tour around the cities, Edmontonburiegh the small city that W habitet, all trash cans to find food.
And so he went untill he got to the bank. The bank manager was a the kind of kind men, he gave them sandwiches his wife made him. This time the banker was no were to be found, so in walked W, trying to find the banker so he would not have to eat the fish. That's when W realised he had walked in to an ongoing robbery and he saw the robman pointing a gun at the banker. So then W followed his instinct and legsweeped the robberer and got a hold of his gun. Then he had a choice to made, the gun in his paddle, would he take the money from the now open vault and be the wealthiest walrus ever to swim the eternal seeming sea or would he be the hero who saved the bank from robbery. Obviosly W choose the later, because like all walrus, he was kind.
W was rewarded for his heroism by lifelong supply of beetroot and he would not have to eat fish for the rest of his life. Later that day W got caught in japanese whale net and died. But he is to proof of the kind heart of the walrus.