
Who will love you?Keskiviikko 21.03.2012 20:54

And I told you to be patient
And I told you to be kind
And now all your love is wasted

Then who the hell was I ?

Im Just Being Me.Keskiviikko 21.03.2012 20:13

I'm Doing All I Wanna Do
And I won't stop Until I can't move
I'm just being me, Watch Me Do Me.

I don't need no music when I wanna sing a song
I don't need what's popular to know what's right or wrong

I'm busy burnin' the track, Not holding anything back
I'm Just Being Me.
When you're sitting there it's hard for me to look away.
So I try to find the words that I could say...
And I can't lie but every time I leave my heart turns gray.
When you call my heart stops beating.
When you're gone it won't stop bleeding.

SAIRASTA.Tiistai 06.03.2012 02:20

"Me oltii kerran vykis, laulettii niille joillekkin vanhuksille, niille veteraaneille! "

" Veteraaneille... Sairasta!"

<virne> en saa nauruuloppuuuu.

hiljaisuus, " hohohooeh"

"Mä tiiän mil sut saa fanny nauraa" , "muistele tota äskeistä"



Kesä, olisitko kiltti ja kirmaisit ihan vitun lujaa.

Tell me how to get back to
Back to summer paradise with you
And I'll be there in a heartbeat

listen this.

Feel the home that I live in.Maanantai 05.03.2012 04:02

I just wanna feel real love,
'cause I got too much life,
Running through my veins, going to waste.


Night At Computer.Torstai 01.03.2012 02:55

Omg look its a batman.

Its not batman!

Then what a fuck is it ?

Fucking Fª™ªN daa ?


Just me and my..Sunnuntai 12.02.2012 02:45


UNNNAAAAAAAAAAAA ♥ 1Sunnuntai 12.02.2012 02:05

Burn , Burn , Burn Baby Burn !



fannyn liikkeet ^^

!Maanantai 06.02.2012 03:00

ne sanat , ne kyyneleet.
ne tunteet, kaikki pois.
mä haluan pyyhkiä kaikki ne pois.

alottaa puhtaalta pöydältä ja vihdoin olla tosissani tän asian kanssa,
täl kertaa mul on vaan jotain muistuttamassa siitä.

you just must live with it.