


Riennä jo rimakauhu helvettiin

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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.04.2010 14:44

nuo huutaa taas toisilleen rahan säästämisestä ja toimin hyvänä esimerkkinä nimeltä mainitsemattomalle veljelleni :

elinakin säästää pienistä rahoista mitä se ansaitsee ja sillä on kasassa on paljon rahaa! jumalauta :DD

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.04.2010 14:43

joo homehu sinne huorakoloos mua ei kiinnosta ja pysykin vittu muualla täältä.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.04.2010 14:30

valitse yksi ystäväsi ja kirjoita hänen nimimerkkinsä tähän : ShinykinG

nimi: minna
ikä: 13v
toinen nimi: meeri :DD
siskoja tai veljiä? : yks sisko
asumus: omakotitalo
laiha vai läski : no en tiiä

seurusteleeko hän ? : ei
rakastumisten lukumäärä? : 10 ? en tiiä.
paras ystävä? : heeeba ?
onko hänen vanhempansa eronneet? : eijj

harrastukset : breikki, hevoset, tärinävyö :D
onko hän hyvä harrastuksissaan : joo, varmaa
mitä hän haluaisi harrastaa : benjihyppäilyä :d
kuvaile hänen luonnettaan : en ossaa
onko hän onnellinen : no en tiiä ku ei oo täällä
yleisin lausahdus : 'ääää', 'hei! eiku ei mitää'

hiukset : siniharmaat :D
onko hän kaunis/komea : nojaa
pituus ja paino : jotaai 170senttiä ja oisko 60 kiloo
onko hän pinnallinen : en kommentoi.
parastä hänen ulkonäössään : vauva n_n
arvosteleeko hän vastakkaista sukupuolta ulkonäön perusteella?: aika usein =DD
onko hän kateellinen sinulle jostakin ruumiinosastasi : ei

näettekö usein : nojaa.
monestikko päivässä soitat hänelle : 0
mitä teette yhdessä : nukutaan.
vietättekö paljon aikaa yhdessä: nojaa.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 10.04.2010 17:14

''You think you're bigger asshole than me?''

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 10.04.2010 16:48

It was long ago, seems like a dream.
The day I sucked the air from a bottle of whipped cream
And I got real high and things got real slow
And I started talking like this
What's going on?
I don't know
And then I sold my car for a Grateful Dead ticket
My dad yelled at me and he grounded me
And he said I was a dick
It was the worst day of my life
And I'll never forget
But the very next day
I was doing bong hits
In the back of my friend's Chevy
So don't tell me we're winning the war on drugs
Cause drugs are like a bog ol' can of ree
And you're all little bugs
And don't tell me to not get high
Cause I'm as low as I can get
Without kissing your ass
And blowing you at the same time

Man, don't tell me about love and peace
Or that the Jones's have a handgun pointed at me
Don't tell me to just say no
I'm an addict, I say don't let me go
Whatever happened to sex, drugs n' rock n' roll?
Now we just have aids, crack and techno

So they busted me
So I say "fuck them up" for selling dope
And I went to jail and I wasn't forgiven
Like that little fucker who shot the pope
And he said I had the right to remain silent
And they couldn't explain
But I didn't resist and I was invited
'Cause all I ever wanted was the right to remain
And they questionned me, yeah, they asked me "why?"
And I said "fuck off"
I want the rest to be shot for selling pot
It's just my little way of saying "high"
Now my record's all fucked up
And I'm not allowed to vote
Now two times a week they make me piss in a cup
Well what I want to do is piss down their throats


Okay, here's the sensitive part
They told me it's time to change
Cause our parents had Hendrix, Janice and Jim
But what about River Phoenix and Curt Cobain
And they told me to praise the lord
But I've been waiting for so long for him to call me back
I think I'm gonna go pray at Betty Ford
And they told me that life was fair
I can't smoke a plant that was made by god
But I can kill my wife if I'm a football player

And they told me, they told me to just ignore
But I'd rather smoke crack outta Nancy Reagan's skull
While getting a blowjob from Tipper Gore


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 10.04.2010 16:40

Leave me alone
Don't want your promises no more
'Cause rock'n'roll is my religion and my law
Won't ever change,
May think it's strange
You can't kill rock'n'roll it's here to stay.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 10.04.2010 16:32

siivosin huoneeni ja sain 5e. olin ulkona. nyt on tylsää. :(((

sain 40e et voin ostaa uudet farkut. :D joku vois lähtee mukaan lähipäivinä ?

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 10.04.2010 16:27

Walking out on another stage
Another town, another place
Sometimes I don't feel right
Nerves wound up too damn tight
People keep telling me it's bad for my health
But kicking back don't make it
Out of control, I play the ultimate role
But that's what lights my fire

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.04.2010 20:20

hammaslääkärist myöhästyin viis minuuttia mut niittei haitannu ja sain sellase vitun öklöttävän muotin jota en aio helevetin nimeen pitää ! :S

koulus oli kivaa, kiitos kaverit :D

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 09.04.2010 20:15

There are no unlockable doors
There are no unwinnable wars
There are no unrightable wrongs
Or unsingable songs

There are no unbeatable odds
There are no believable gods
There are no unnameable names
Shall I say it again, yeah

There are no impossible dreams
There are no invisible seams
Each night when the day is through
I don't ask much

I just want you
I just want you

There are no uncriminal crimes
There are no unrhymable rhymes
There are no identical twins or
forgivable sins

There are no incurable ills
There are no unkillable thrills
One thing and you know it's true,
I don't ask much

I just want you (4x)

I'm sick and tired of bein' sick and tired
I used to go to bed so high and wired, yeah - yeah, yeah, yeah
I think I'll buy myself some plastic water
I guess I should have married Lennon's daughter, yeah - yeah, yeah, yeah

There are no unachievable goals
There are no unsaveable souls
No legitimate kings or queens, do
you know what I mean
? Yeah

There are no indisputable truths
And there ain't no fountain of youth
Each night when the day is through,
I don't ask much

I just want you (5x)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I just want you
I just want you,
Hey, yeah
I just want you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I just want you, hey
I just want you
I just want you