


true love stories never have happy endings because true love stories never end

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Hold OnTorstai 29.04.2010 13:42

I sing now, for all of you
With no one to hold on to
For all the broken hearts out there,
Waiting for someone to be near.
Hold on, (This is so du-umb), hold on
To my people listen up
When I miss somebody
When she need somebody
When she had somebody
Somebody to somebody
That made you feel like somebody
That somebody is gone
And you need somebody
Heartbroken I've been indeed
Elevated, so unrated, understanding what seems
Whenever I miss that someone
I try not to think hard 'cause then the tears come
And the tears run down your cheek
You can't speak bubububut sudden' sudden' the pain increase.
'Cause you're messed up, fed up, stressed up,
'cause they're up and you're down and messed up
Yeah what, don't cry my dear
I swear I'm near, I care.
I'm here, right here.
Baby not, your in the circle of my focus
I won't let you know, your love is here, right here

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