"Sports night: every female's fantasy. A room full of captive heterosexual men all looking to be distracted during commercial breaks." – Carrie
"It's just...you're so available to me, and I'm so available to you. Maybe we're both just too, you know, available." – Carrie
"Everyone knows you only get two great loves in your life." – Charlotte
"I like the idea of men in skirts. Easy access." – Samantha
"All women really want is to be rescued" – Charlotte
"I'm gonna tell you something. There's two types of guys out there. The ones that hold your hand and the ones that fuck you." – Samantha
"Does everything I have to bring in here (my bedroom) have to have a flaw?" – Miranda
"It's so interesting, you can tell a man I hate you and you'll have the best sex of your life, but tell him I love you, and you'll probably never see him again." – Samantha
"No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you'll never get through it without your friends." – Carrie
"Now I know I want to be with a man who wants to be with me. You know, I've had enough relationship drama for one lifetime." – Carrie
"You know the rule... good on paper, bad in bed." – Samantha
"Some people are settling down, some people are settling... and some people will settle for nothing less than butterflies." – Carrie
"After he left I cried for a week. And then I realized I do have faith. Faith in myself. Faith that I would one day meet someone who would be sure that I was the one." – Carrie
"If you love someone, and you break up, where does the love go?" – Carrie
"I would love to find a man who was strong enough to catch me." – Carrie
"abso-fucking-lutely" – Mr. Big