


» Sä olet mulle unelmaa mutta maailma on totta

baby im a rockstarKeskiviikko 23.06.2010 01:55

you hate cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,
a pretty little problem, uh-huh,
you hate cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,
a pretty little problem, uh-huh,
you hate me cuz I'm everything that you ever wanted to be
and i dont mind cuz I love it when you lookin at me
cuz I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,
I said that I'm a rockstar, a rockstar,
(keep lookin at me)
(wow) It seems to me like I was botherin'
(how) cuz i make walkin look like modelin
(wow) it ain't my fault the boys keep followin'
(now) if you were better he wouldn't be wonderin'

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