
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 05.09.2008 02:53

AFS camp from tomorow till sunday ! hopefully its gonna be fun ! :>

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.09.2008 18:37

fucking rain.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 27.08.2008 04:14

jenni sanoo:
i really miss tbell, not only the food but going there with my friends and hanging out there and never having to ask what to get when we got food cuz we all wanted tbell
jenni sanoo:
and flirting with the ppl going to drive thro while we were eating
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss vitamin water ! and going to the drive-in !!!
jenni sanoo:
i miss going to soccer practices with emily
jenni sanoo:
i miss riding shotgun with jesse and jenny freaking out we're gonna get a ticket
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss just driving around
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss walks on the beach in the middle of the night.
jenni sanoo:
and i miss us dancing in the car and singing
jenni sanoo:
and playing sex!
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss snowboarding on real mountains
jenni sanoo:
i miss driving to beluga point and eating ice cream on the rocks when its stormy windy and cold
jenni sanoo:
i miss biking down from our mountain with a broken bike to go to jesses house
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss going to town and buying an ice cream from ka paws and the walking on the wharf
jenni sanoo:
i miss swimming at kelseys
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss breaking my brothers bike ''umm joelle, i think my bike's missing some parts *holding a pedal on my hand*''
jenni sanoo:
i miss sitting in the hot tub with michael at midnite
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss sitting in the car in the dark, for like an hour, when he was just supposed to drop me off.
jenni sanoo:
i miss speaking in letters with jesse so no one else can understand
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss seeing the world's scariest movie and driving back home and being like in a total panic
jenni sanoo:
i miss going to the movies and driving back with 5 ppl in the front of the car
jenni sanoo:
i miss waiting at the parking lot and me and jesse dancing on the roof of the car
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss sunbathing on the roof.
riinariinariina sanoo:
roof of the house.
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss getting sunburn and looking like a lobbster with my sis.
jenni sanoo:
i miss watchin reruns of the 70s show at 3am
jenni sanoo:
on tv
jenni sanoo:
i miss at least 5 people txting me at the same time all the time
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss being on computer and talking on msn to my bro who is sitting next to me.
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss the texting too.
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss all the crazy math classes.
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss passing notes in the math class.
jenni sanoo:
i miss talking to jesse on the phone and watching the same show at the same time and just being quiet and it not bothering either of us
jenni sanoo:
i miss skipping 4th period and going to tbell
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss skipping the 5th and sunbathing, laying in the back of the car and just listening to the radio and nto talking anything
jenni sanoo:
i miss skipping last period, german, and standing in the hallway with jenny and cedes and my teacher sending security after me
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss skipping the 5th period and going to the beach to have a lunch when it was super windy and cold
jenni sanoo:
i miss singing in history class with stteph
jenni sanoo:
i miss being yelled in first aid class for being too loud
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss materials science class and not doing anything we were supposed to do
jenni sanoo:
i miss walking the halls with jesse when we both skipped class
jenni sanoo:
i miss spending dumbest quality time with jesse
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss going to miriam's coffee to buy an extra healthy smoothie, and choose the taste so that the color of it would mach to your outfit
jenni sanoo:
i miss actually missing my family and talking to them on the phone and jesse sitting on my bed with me
jenni sanoo:
i miss racing down the hill in trucks
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss talking to someone in finland in finnish and then taylor coming to me talking in english and making me mess up all the languages in my head.
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss taylor scaring me all the time.
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss taylor attacking me, tickling me.
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss watching movies everyday.
jenni sanoo:
i miss play fighting with michael and hitting each other with pillows
jenni sanoo:
i miss getting milkshakes at lunch
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss sitting in joelles closet in the middle of the night and talking about everything
jenni sanoo:
i miss always being late from 5th period and coming in with like half of my lunch
jenni sanoo:
i miss making songs of fuckaholics with jes
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss the football games nd sitting on a couch outside
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss speeding with taylor and thinking that in a second we will die but we never did
jenni sanoo:
i miss going in to the guys bathroom at the hockey game and getting yelled at
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss making mr nelson mad in every 5th period
jenni sanoo:
i miss driving out to wasilla with lane and jenny and cedes to the hockey game
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss making a whale drawing with josh to our math tests.
jenni sanoo:
i miss watching 6 movies in a row at 5am with jesse at jennys house when jenny has already fallen asleep
jenni sanoo:
i miss being the only ones awake at 4am and texting about nothing
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss singing the beatles in the sience class
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss texting about nothing.
jenni sanoo:
i miss playing guitar hero in jesses basement
jenni sanoo:
i miss talking to jesses brother and he complaining about us laughing too much
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss making '' thats what she said'' jokes about everything that it doesnt even match
jenni sanoo:
i miss abbreviating everyones names so they wont know when we bad talk them in front of them
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss sitting in the lunch area and eating joqurt everyday
jenni sanoo:
i miss carrying my hockey bag that was bigger than me
jenni sanoo:
i miss jenny driving to the ice rink so i wont have to wait by myself
jenni sanoo:
i miss yelling at the guys hockey team when they are interviewd for the news
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss watching ''singing in the rain'' and eating banana-choc-chip-pancakes in the middle of the night.
jenni sanoo:
i miss sitting in the car and listening to spice girls and eating cookie dough
jenni sanoo:
i miss sitting in the back of cedes' truck and having a picnic
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss the mornings that i was late, and everyone else was sitting in the car wanting to go. the first time they ever were late from school.
jenni sanoo:
i miss talking kyle into walking in a filthy freezing ditch full of water in march
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss eating like million airheads cuz anthony stole a box of them. lol
jenni sanoo:
i miss eating bday cake for brkfast in jesses trailer on their front yard
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss eating the best brownies ever, that andre made for me just because
jenni sanoo:
i miss going to the movies late at nite and driving back when the roads are copletely empty and its dark
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss not having the streetlights.
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss the ferrytrips off the island
jenni sanoo:
i miss listening to dane cook and laughing in the car with a bunch of girls
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss going to the mall and trying to find me a perfect necklace for prom
jenni sanoo:
i miss going to the mall and not buying anything
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss going to the schoolplay and then wathing ''the jumper'' from taylors ipod because the play was so boring
jenni sanoo:
i miss steph writing jenni is drunk on my english papers
riinariinariina sanoo:
i miss getting drunk and making the best pasta in the world
jenni sanoo:
i miss getting drunk and forgetting to go home and getting in trouble... not
riinariinariina sanoo:
riinariinariina sanoo:
we miss everything


i think that...


np. Vitamin C - The Graduation Song (Friends Forever) [REPEAT]

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 27.08.2008 01:59


ehkä liikaakin.


ei kantsis ehk.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.08.2008 01:16

noniii eli mökkivkl KAHEN KUUKAUDEN päässä on set in stone ! JES. haha.

oon nyt jo ihan fiilareissa !

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 24.08.2008 22:56


friday: Sanna&Eevis' b-day ! fun !

saturday: the best ice cream party ! aino asta ida tuire !!

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 21.08.2008 20:50

i want
i want
i want
i want
i want

.. to find a way to combine my two lifes.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 19.08.2008 23:38

rriinaa is confused

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 19.08.2008 02:39

rakastan länsilinjoja. <3


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 13.08.2008 22:31


kerronpa päivästäni faktoja:

-olin bussipysäkillä HYVISSÄ AJOIN.
-en tiennyt ruotsintunnilla miten sanoa ''kyllä'' ruotsiksi.
-koitin syödä koulumme kerrassaan ''ihanaa'' siskonmakkarakeittoa joka ei suinkaan ollut liian suolaista.
-tein läksyt jo koulussa.
-kävin kirpputorilla ja löysin mekon ja hupparin yhteishintaan 5.50e.
-söin jäätelöä ja tarjosin samanmoiset myös äidilleni ja siskolleni.
-kävin siskoni kanssa putkassa. eli siis toisinsanoen otin tragukseeni eli korvannipukkaani lävistyksen. ja hän otti korvan rustoon renkaan.
-menin kotiin ja söin pihviä.
-tulin tietokoneelle ja olen siinä nyt, ja tuota pikaa lähden harjoittelemaan taskuparkeerausta isäni kanssa.
-ps tyhjensin myös tiskikoneen ja pesin pyykkiä, mutta huonettani en vaivautunut siivoamaan vielä.

kiitos heeeeeeeeeeeei.

lähes unohdin. sain myös amerikkalaisia teen magazines postilaatikkooni, koska kaverini joka lähti takaisin jenkkeihin, jätti ne sinne minulle. ihanaa ! <3