


04.03.2009 klo: 00:23 pm

Like a ghost

since you have left from my life
I don't have any reason to stay in here
no one never cared about me like you did
no one never whiped away my tears gently as you did
I still wish that I would had choosed differently than how I did
but I know that it cannot be changed

please come back for my life, don't say that
don't disapear from my life like an ghost
you haunt in my mind
you never cared about me
you always tried to make me follow you'r orders
you tried to change me into something else than what I am
I cannot allow that to happen
but you still keep haunting on my mind

every promise which I made and I broke are now haunting along them
please come back for my life, don't say that
don't disapear from my life like an ghost
you changed me into something else which I were scared of
you never intended to love me
you always cheated on me and lied to me
you'r beautifull lies have now lost they'r colours

my heart is in dying mood now
it have turned to grey because of you and you'r lies
you haunt in my mind
you never cared about me
you always tried to make me follow you'r orders

like a dog I followed you
you changed me into something else
which I were so scared of
it makes me go crazy
please come back for my life, don't say that
don't disapear from my life like an ghost
you haunt in my mind
you haunt in my mind
like an ghost...

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