
Andre Brink <3Torstai 20.09.2007 02:18

"Jossakin, jotenkin,
pitäisi olla mahdollista koskettaa
jotakuta päästämättä
koskaan irti.
Pidellä toista,
ei hetken vaan ikuisesti,
tässä maailmassa,
jossa kaikki on katoavaa ja tuskallista ja petollista.
Ja sen pienen mahdollisuuden tähden
pitää olla valmis vaarantamaan kaikki,
murtautumaan läpi,
astumaan yöhön alastomana."

Kauneutta.Keskiviikko 19.09.2007 15:21

Jos pidät minusta
lupaat poimia minulle
kaikki tuikkivat tähdet
tummalta taivaankannelta.
Jos pidät minusta oikein
lupaat noutaa minulle
hopeisen kuun taivaalta.
Mutta jos rakastat minua
et tee turhia lupauksia.

Tähän myös :) Tiistai 18.09.2007 16:30

Aly & AJ - Potential breakup song

It took too long
It took too long
It took to long for you to call back
And normally I would just forget that
Except for the fact it was my birthday
My stupid birthday

I played along
I played along
I played along
rolled right off my back
But obviously my armor was cracked
What kind of a boyfriend would forget that?
Who would forget that?

The type of guy who doesnÂ’t see
What he has until she leaves
DonÂ’t let me go
Cause without me, you know youÂ’re lost
Wise up now or pay the cost
Soon you will know

YouÂ’re not livinÂ’ till youÂ’re livinÂ’
LivinÂ’ with me
YouÂ’re not winninÂ’ till youÂ’re winninÂ’
WinninÂ’ me
YouÂ’re not gettinÂ’ till youÂ’re gettinÂ’
GettinÂ’ to me
YouÂ’re not livinÂ’ till youÂ’re livinÂ’
livin' with me

This is the potential breakup song
Our album needs just one
Oh baby please
Please tell me

We got along
We got along
We got along until you did that
Now all I want is just my stuff back
Do you get that?
Let me repeat that
I want my stuff back

You can send it in a box
I donÂ’t care just drop it off
I wonÂ’t be home
Cause without me, you know youÂ’re lost
Minus you IÂ’m better off
Soon you will know

YouÂ’re not livinÂ’ till youÂ’re livinÂ’
LivinÂ’ with me
YouÂ’re not winninÂ’ till youÂ’re winninÂ’
WinninÂ’ me
YouÂ’re not gettinÂ’ till youÂ’re gettinÂ’
GettinÂ’ to me
YouÂ’re not livinÂ’ till youÂ’re livinÂ’
livin' with me

You can try, you can try
You know I know itÂ’d be a lie
Without me youÂ’re gonna die
So you better think clearly, clearly
Before you nearly, nearly
Mess up the situation that your gonna miss dearly, dearly

YouÂ’re not livinÂ’ till youÂ’re livinÂ’
LivinÂ’ with me
YouÂ’re not winninÂ’ till youÂ’re winninÂ’
WinninÂ’ me
YouÂ’re not gettinÂ’ till youÂ’re gettinÂ’
GettinÂ’ to me
YouÂ’re not livinÂ’ till youÂ’re livinÂ’
livin' with me

This is the potential breakup song
Our album needs just one
Oh baby please
Please tell me

This is the potential make-up song
please just admit youÂ’re wrong
Which will it be?
Which will it be?

Rakastuin!Tiistai 18.09.2007 16:28

Serj Tankian - Empty walls

Your empty walls,
Your empty walls,
Pretentious adventures,
Dismissive apprehension,
Don't waste your time,
On coffins today,
When we decline,
From the confines of our mind,
Don't waste your time,
On coffins today...

Don't you see their bodies burning?
Desolate and full of yearning,
Dying of anticipation,
Choking from intoxication,
Don't you see their bodies burning?
Desolate and full of yearning,
Dying of anticipation,
Choking from intoxication,
I want you to be left behind those empty walls,
Told you to see from behind those empty walls...

Those empty walls,
When we decline,
From the confines of our mind,
Don't waste your time,
On coffins today...

Don't you see their bodies burning?
Desolate and full of yearning,
Dying of anticipation,
Choking from intoxication,
Don't you see their bodies burning?
Desolate and full of yearning,
Dying of anticipation,
Choking from intoxication,
I want you to be left behind those empty walls,
Told you to see from behind those empty walls,
Want you to be left behind those empty walls,
I told you to see from behind those empty walls,
From behind those empty walls,
From behind those empty walls,
The walls!
From behind those empty walls...

I loved you yesterday,
(From behind those empty walls...)
Before you killed my family,
(From behind those empty walls, the walls...)

Don't you see their bodies burning?
Desolate and full of yearning,
Dying of anticipation,
Choking from intoxication,
Don't you see their bodies burning,
Desolate and full of yearning,
(I want you...)
Dying of anticipation,
Choking from intoxication,
(To be left behind those empty...)
I want you to be left behind those empty walls,
Told you to see from behind those empty walls,
(Desolate and full of yearning, Dying of anticipation, Choking from intoxication...)
Want you to be left behind those empty walls,
(Don't you see their bodies burning? Desolate and full of yearning, Dying of anticipation, Choking from intoxication...)
I told you to see from behind those empty walls,

(Trust your empty walls, trust your empty walls)
From behind those empty walls,
(Trust your empty walls, trust your empty walls)
From behind those empty walls,
(Trust your empty walls, trust your empty walls)
From behind those empty walls,
Those walls!
Those walls!

Naisen logiikka xD Sunnuntai 16.09.2007 15:00

Naiset-suomi-Naiset -sanakirja

Se on ihan sun päätös
= eihän asiaan ole kuin yksi ratkaisu, ja sen pitäis olla sullekin selvä.

Tee sä mitä tahdot
= kosto on kauhea.

Meidän pitäis puhua
= mä aion nyt avautua ja sä kuuntelet

Siitä vaan, senkun menet
= älä lähde.

En mä ole loukkaantunut
= tietenkin mä olen loukkaantunut, ääliö.

Oletpas sä tänään huomaavainen
= onko tänään seksipäivä?

Vähennetään romanttisesti valoja
= olen ihan jumalattoman turvoksissa

Onpas tää keittiö epäkäytännöllinen
= ostin uuden keittiön, se pitää asentaa huomenna.

Mitäs jos hankittais uudet verhot
= ..ja huonekalut ja maalataan makuuhuone.

Mä kuulin jotain melua
= sä olit melkein nukahtanut ja mua ei vielä väsytä.

Mä rakastan sua ihan hirveästi
= meillä on tyttöjen lomareissu tiedossa.

Oonkohan mä lihonut?
= kato nyt miten hyvännäköinen mä olen.

En mä mitään huuda
= totta vitussa huudan, kun mulla on hyvä syy.

= kyllä tai ei

= kyllä tai ei

Niin kai
= ei

Ihan miten vaan
= ei

Viisautta.Tiistai 28.08.2007 23:57

...miten vaikea tässä maailmassa on tietää mitä tahtoo...

...paljon vaikeampaa verrattuna siihen miten helpolla kaiken saa...

Ihanaa.... <3Lauantai 25.08.2007 12:08

Plain White T's

You know it tears me up inside
to see the feelings that you hide
Hide inside that empty bottle
I wish you saw how great you were
I wish you saw what life was worth
You wouldn't have to hide your problems
And I don't care what you might think
I think you've had too much to drink
Can't even talk when you're this way

Run away, run away
But that won't make it any better
Run away, run away
And make tomorrow harder to live than today

There's so much out there you could miss
there's so much life out there to live
If you would just believe in yourself
You know you're better than all of this
you know you've got so much to give
But you're so afraid to give of yourself

There's a bright light shining inside you
it shines out through your eyes
Don't drown it away, don't be afraid, don't hide
Let it shine

You say you're looking for happiness
but when it comes, you run away from it
You tell yourself you don't deserve it
There's not much more that I can do now the rest is up to you
Until you love yourself, you'll never change
You'll keep on running
Until you deal with today

Mmmmm...Perjantai 24.08.2007 21:22

Haluan jakaa meidän iltaruuan teidän kanssa. Oli niin hyvää, ettei ois ihan heti uskonu! Koittakaa ihmeessä :)

-punasia linssejä
-aurinkokuivattuja tomaatteja (ja niiden öljyä)

Aineita laitetaan niin paljon, kun mieli tekee :D Keitellään, soseutetaan.
...huhhuh... oisin voinu syödä itteni kuolleeks. Sipuki huus vaan "hyvää, lisää!" :)

Pieni pätkä menneisyyttä..Torstai 23.08.2007 16:33

*** Hooters - 500 miles ***

If you miss the train Im on, you will know that I am gone
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles,
A hundred miles, a hundred miles,
A hundred miles, a hundred miles,
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles

Not a shirt on my back, not a penny to my name
And the land that I once loved was not my own
Lord Im one, Lord Im two, Lord Im three, Lord Im four,
Lord Im five hundred miles away from home

A hundred tanks along the square,
One man stands and stops them never
Some day soon, the tide will turn, and Ill be free
Ill be free, Ill be free, Ill come home to my country,
Some day soon the tide will turn and Ill be free

If you miss the train Im on, you will know that I am gone
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles,
Lord Im one, Lord Im two, Lord Im three, Lord Im four,
Lord Im five hundred miles away from home
Lord Im five hundred miles away from home
Ill be free, Ill be free, Ill come home to my country,
Lord Im five hundred miles away from home
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles
Lord Im five hundred miles away from home

Ei jaksa mailata, irtoo se näinki :) Keskiviikko 22.08.2007 23:18

*Sinä olet yksi heistä... ** *
**Lähetä tämä viesti edelleen samana
päivänä kuin sait sen.
Kuulostaa ehkä naurettavalta,
mutta silloin se liikkuu juuri oikeassa
Uskomme, että jotain on tapahtumaisillaan.
Enkeleitä on, mutta joskus heillä vain
ei ole siipiä,
ja kutsumme heitä ystäviksi. Sinä olet
yksi heistä.
Jotain ihmeellistä on tapahtumaisillaan
sinulle ja ystävillesi. **_
_**_Huomenna aamupäivällä joku ottaa
sinuun yhteyttä ja kertoo sinulle
jotain, jota olet odottanut
kuulevasi._** !!!!!!! **

**Toivottavasti et katkaise tätä ketjua.
Lähetä se edelleen ainakin seitsemälle