


tyhmä kebab

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a survey (with my veri guud ingrishu.)Lauantai 05.11.2011 22:01

Do you like to cook?:
No. My cooking skills are almost as good as Arthur Kirkland's. .

Last time you had a cold?:
..actually I don't remember ö 3ö last year?

Have you ever seen a ghost? Or thought you've seen one?:
WELL...I've have seen many things in my life but not ghosts.

Are you allergic to anything?:
to peanuts >:S

What does your room look like right now?:
ERR..clean of course 8'') *lying*

Are you selfish?:

Are your facebook statuses hints for someone?:
err no

Do you like Nutella?:
What? 8')

What is the youngest and oldest you'd date?:
Youngest a year younger than me and oldest maybe five years older. Or maybe younger...

Is there anyone you'd love to meet from Bzoink?:
From where?

When was the last time you cried?:
Today when reading One Piece (again)

Disney princess or Disney animal movies?:
Both are fine.

Do you have school on Halloween?:
I don't actually have school right now.

What was the scariest roller coaster you've ever been on?:
Dunno ö 3 ö maybe the first time I was in one was the scariest...maybe?

Do you even like roller coasters?:
Well most of them have been quite boring, but I think they're pretty ok.

Are forehead kisses cute?:
uh huh! > w<

Do you like South Park?:
I've only seen a few episodes and I actually didn't like them. 8')

How many people have you dated?:
WELLLL.... if you count childhood romances then it's two.

Do you know who Jenna Marbles is?:
Nope 8')

What's your favorite Katy Perry song?:
"E.T.", "Last Friday night" and "teenage dream" I think. Dunno, I don't really care

Do you like Russell Brand?:

Etkö vielä ole jäsen?

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