
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 08.09.2008 21:39

Now that summer's over
We'll wonder what to do
We'll finish our last nights in your car
Just like we always do.

I'll hold you closer and tell you I love you
but it won't matter in the end
It's obvious you're leaving soon
just another heart to mend

Monta tarinaaLauantai 06.09.2008 20:51

En pois ottas yhtäkään muistoo
En unohtaa tuu yhtäkää katuu enkä puistoo

Heikko HappiLauantai 06.09.2008 20:29

Ei voi liikkuu. ihan piippu
Rakot jaloissa ja päässä
Missä mä oon? oonks mä himassa?
Kaikki niin hidasta... kuka sä oot?
Tarviin buranaa. päätä kivistää

Ei pääse pakoon täst pälkähästä
Vältän puhumist. mä oon vaan

Teinks jotain tyhmää. vai jotain fiksuu
En muista yhtään. alkaa lipsuu
Pää lyö tyhjää. mataalentoo

>Biisi meille, Eve ja Juulia <3

<3Perjantai 05.09.2008 00:55

So here we are alone, no one else around
It's been a long long ride it's been up and down
I'm standing on the edge, don't wanna fall over
And I don't know which way to go, I don't know what to do

And I can't wait for tomorrow
I can't wait another day
And if you know how it feels
Please don't go away
Just don't go away

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 05.09.2008 00:53

I've been reaching for something I might never touch
And I've been dreaming of something that I want so much
I've been counting all the tears in the falling rain
I've been trying to hide my fears, but it's all the same
And I don't know if I'll ever pass this way again

"Ooksä ihan täysjärkinen?!"Perjantai 05.09.2008 00:26

nooo terveTorstai 04.09.2008 12:10

iha kivasti menee täällä valinnaises kuvikses kun ei olla Hanskin kaa otettu mitään kuvia oikeestaan <3

Fuckin beautifullyTorstai 04.09.2008 01:05

Hey boy, yeah I'm talkin' to you
Your messy black hair and your deep baby blues
I think I'd like the way you smell and the taste of a morning with you
I could be making this up
Cause all I ever wanted was that kind of no yeah still lookin at me
Fuckin beautifully

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 04.09.2008 01:03

I can't look at you
I can't be with you tonight
And I know that this ain't right

Why can't only I for one just be
It's not the same when I no long can speak to him
I may be changed but so have he
It's like we've locked us up and thrown away the key

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 01.09.2008 21:18

Don't want no other
Shades of red
Eyes of green
Sees black and white
And there's no in between
Ask me no questions
I'll tell you no lies
Still you keep thinking
That it's all alibis