


Sleep well with your bad decisions

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Starcrash - Breaking The DamSunnuntai 17.02.2008 22:36

I feel like drowning
In the lies you told while smiling

Take me to the moon
like you promised to
and I love you
Push me to the ground
kick me while I`m down
and I hate you

sometimes I just wanna leave
and never look back
but I`m addicted to you
only 1 thing to do
can`t disappoint you

Here I am
Break the dam
Let the water wash away
Everything I built on our sacred land
Here I am
Once again
The fallen one has to pay
I`m not your servant or miracle man

The sound of your voice
so demanding
The will of my mind
so surrending

Take me to the moon
like you promised to
and I love you
Push me to the ground
kick me while I`m down
and I hate you

sometimes I just wanna leave
and never look back
but I`m addicted to you
only 1 thing to do
can`t disappoint you

Here I am
Break the dam
Let the water wash away
Everything I built on our sacred land
Here I am
Once again
The fallen one has to pay
I`m not your servant or miracle man

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