


Sleep well with your bad decisions

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Starcrash - Romeo & JulietKeskiviikko 16.04.2008 21:39

There are clouds there is rain
Where there..s sadness there is pain
That..s how it goes
As I open my eyes

As I browse through our lies
For the first time I see
Only few can survive
Those moments in life
When they see
That the love will fade away
And the thrill will turn grey
Not much left to say
Our moment..s today

It is our time
To realize
That not like
Romeo and Juliet

Write the last page alone
Close the book and let go
Of the dream
What we had was surreal
Sweetest lie great appeal
This is how I really feel
We were not ment to be

I feel all numb
As I look in to your eyes for one last time
Tears in my eyes
I turn around and say goodbye

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