


Kukkuluuruu, mitä kuuluu ? :)

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 25.08.2009 21:59

Oon oikiasti kohta valamis tappaan kaikki..!

Tuokaa mulle ase

Vituttaako ees ??Tiistai 25.08.2009 21:23

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 24.08.2009 19:14

Päätin sitte tänään että vaikka mikä ois nii en polta!

Ja se joka tarjuaa mulle tupakkaa ku oon päissään ja heikko asian suhteen nii mää nirhaan sen.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 24.08.2009 01:11

Jos tämä mahakipu jatkuu huomiseen nii luulkaa vain että tuun kouluun... saatta mädäntyä sielä ihan yksin :p

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 23.08.2009 17:43

Kuin täydellinen ilta olikaan : )

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 22.08.2009 23:13

Voisko joku ostaa mulle uuden digiboksin ??

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 22.08.2009 02:55

I don't wanna be the girl who laughs the loudest
Or the girl who never wants to be alone
I don't wanna be that call at 4 o'clock in the morning
'Cause I'm the only one you know in the world that won't be home

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 21.08.2009 20:17

Kävinpä sitte tänään kahesa mp-kaupasa ja poliisi asemalla :DD

Kiitti niko ku pelastit mut 4 linkalta ja pääsin sun kyytillä : )

Ja maiju korvaan huomena ;)

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 18.08.2009 22:37

Get out..get out! you can't be in here
You have to get out
I implore you please
You're all going to die down here..
(static high pitch)

It's life or death
Either one
The king is back
Take heed and run
I piss and take a shit on your beat for fun
I killed the game
I ain't even use a gun
Who better than me
Don't make me laugh
I run this shit they just chase my ass
I ain't talkin' shit nigger
Just telling the facts
I think all the tracks I'm hearing from niggers is whack
I be hearing these niggers
What they say in they rhymes
I took my spot nobody gave me mine
I make the beats that boom boom boom! in they trunks
You disagree homie then go on and jump
You can bump your gum
You can say what you want
Thats all you gonna do 'cause you niggers is punks
I'm number one you ain't nothing but shit
When they need a hit I would become to get
Talk to me

If you got love for me I got love for you
If you don't fuck wit me I wont fuck with you
We can do it however you wanna do
Nigger if you don't fuck wit hme I wont fuck with you
Go ahead
Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself
Go on kill yourself kill your self kill yourself
If I was you I wouldn't feel myself go on kill your self kill your self
Kill your self go on kill yourself kill your self kill your self
If I was you I wouldn't feel myself

I'm tired of niggers
Niggers is tired
You ain't a g
I see bitch in your eyes
If you close to me
You supposed to be
But most of you rap niggers is hoes to me
Wherever you from
The question I ask
Is do you think I give a fuck
Riddle me that
'cause in my hood and you jump into hell and back
This industry shit to hell wit that
I seen em come I seen em go
I doubt if you can show me something I ain't seen before
Who supposed to be in charge? I need to know
When I shake your hand I'm gonna step on your toe
Go get your gun go get your click
I'm gonna be right here chilling with your bitch
You mad at me 'cause I'm getting rich
Well put the pistol to your head and empty the clip, pop nigger


See my heart
Feel my pain
Some is stars some is lames
How they follow little trends to get they fame
I ain't snapping my damn fingers to get in the game
You claim you rich
Show me son
If you got so many dollers then loan me one
Fools think they killers they own a gun
When you know you bout as sweet as a honey bun
Trash your broads behind a bar
Like you that dude 'fronting hard
Vip bands don't make you a star
Like we really still don't no who the fuck you are
Don't talk behind my back just call me nigger
Move my heart to the side
Make room to forgive ya
If you still wanna hang
We'll come to get ya
Put the rope around your neck and jump my nigger

You're all going to die down here
Get out get out
You cant be in here
You're all going to die down here

Paska päivä.Tiistai 18.08.2009 22:01

1. Oli tylsiä aineita koulusa
2. Saatiin läksyä
3. Koneet ei menny galleriaan eikä naamakirjaan
4. Olisin ITE menny tankkaahan bettiinan mutta st ei hyväksyny mun korttia, teppo ja markohan ei saannu nauraa.. -.-
5. Ainut hyvä oikeestaan et päästiin 2h aikasemmin taas koulusta