
<|3Keskiviikko 08.08.2007 14:04

So many memories, so many broken dreams.
So many years, so many tears.
So much pleasure, so much pain.
So much sadness, so much lost.
So much weakness. so little strong.
Too little Freedom.<3

<|3Tiistai 24.07.2007 01:39

My soul was so sad
Because of a Boy

My soul was so sad
It could not be consoled

My heart was so sad
Because of a Boy

My heart was so sad
Even more than my soul

My heart told my soul
You will one day be happy

My soul told my heart
You will love once again

My heart and my soul
May some day be right

But my heart and my soul
Are still lonely tonight....

Dirty Diana <3Tiistai 17.07.2007 16:28

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 17.07.2007 16:27

They're out to get you, better leave while you can
Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man
You wanna stay alive, better do what you can
So beat it, just beat it

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 17.07.2007 16:25

She's says that's ok
Hey baby do what you want
I'll be your night lovin' thing
I'll be the freak you can taunt
And I don't care what you say
I want to go too far
I'll be your everything
If you make me a star

...Love...Tiistai 17.07.2007 01:23

I cant get enough, i need you.. i cant get tired of u,
Im like addict, u are giving me pain when u r not near,
im missing your kisses, im sure, this was meant to be.
The way u talk to me, the way u look at me, the way you care,
nothing cant make it diffrent, u r my sunshine, my moon light.

Only You And Me!

I love you Asib!&lt;sydän&gt;

Michael jackson :*Lauantai 14.07.2007 16:58

DiRtY DiAnA..
ThE WaY YoU MaKe Me FeEl, ReAlLy TuRn Me On, YoU GoT mE Of My FeEt... ;)

:/Torstai 12.07.2007 23:53

Mulla on angiina ja imusolmukkeet tulehtunu,
huono olo, joten kullat lepään, nähdään myöhemmin :* <3<3<3<3

<3Torstai 12.07.2007 21:47

Keep friends close,
Before it's too late... <3

HAHA ;DD Perjantai 09.02.2007 18:00

Korealainen nimi.

A- ka * B- zu * C- mi * D- te * E- ku * F- lu * G- ji * H- ri * I- ki * J-zu * K- me * L- ta * M- rin * N- to * O-mo * P- no * Q- ke * R- shi *S- ari * T-chi * U- do * V- ru * W-mei * X- na * Y- fu * Z- zi

Arikatotoka chikarinrintokuto, = Sanna Tamminen :DD

Kaarikizu Rimochikameki = Asib Hotaki ;DD

<33 kuul ;)