
History of PhotographySunnuntai 24.05.2009 16:50

First there was this Chinese guy, Mo Ti, and a bunch of never-heards like some dude called Aristotele. They were some kind of philosophers or whatever. Well anyways, those guys described a pinhole camera somewhere between 4th and 5th centuries BCE.
But the first pinhole camera ever made was by some Arabic guy named … err… Ibn Al-Haytham aka “Alhazen”. Guess his homies called him that… anyways that was the first “camera obscura” ever invented. That was somewhere around 1000AD

Then I think people kinda forgot the whole thing ‘cause the next invention was made 827 years later by Joseph Nicephore Niepce and it was the first photographic picture ever taken.

This other French guy named Louis Daguerre then hooked up with Niepce and after his death, Daguerre managed to improve his work. The year 1839 he developed a more convenient and effective method of photography, naming it after himself - the daguerreotype. Too bad his children then sold the rights for daguerreotype to the French government and the popularity of photography got a huge jump. By the year 1850 there was over 70 daguerreotype studios in New York only.

Then there was some experimenting from various different guys like Henry Fox Talbot who made the first calotype negative. Hamilton Smith made a tintype negative yadda yadda yadda boooriing.

Basically they were all trying to get better pictures by using different sorts of chemicalsÂ… this was leading to the first color picture that was taken in 1861 some Scottish dude, James Clerk Maxwell.

Somewhere between that, the black and white cameras were also invented. They were like these small handheld camera obscuras with a lense. Flash powder was used to enhance the pictureÂ’s quality and speed it was drawn to a paperÂ… sounds cool yeah.

Then technology progress happened and now we have digital cameras. These two guys Willard Boyle and George E. Smith invented the CCD technology so theyÂ’re the ones to thank for that.

HmmLauantai 23.05.2009 23:40

Juoksinpa sitte 15 kilsaa huvin ja urheilun vuoksi... xD

Outokumpu...Torstai 21.05.2009 15:47


(ei mun lahkeille, siis...)

HALUAAKO HUORA PUUROAAAAALauantai 16.05.2009 17:22


FAP FAP FAPPerjantai 15.05.2009 17:43



KemiaaMaanantai 04.05.2009 19:00

Syanidin myrkyllisyys perustuu solujen mitokondrioiden matriiseissa membraanin pinnalla olevien protonipumppujen inhiboimiseen, jolloin solujen energiametaboliaa ylläpitävä oksidatiivinen fosforylaatio estyy.


supermarkoKeskiviikko 22.04.2009 01:03

Aamulla lähdin Kuopiosta suoraan koululle. Koululla hengailin hetken ja sitten lähdin katsomaan pari dokkaria paikalliseen leffateatteriin. Sen jälkeen tulin kotiin ja siivosin koko huushollin, pyykkäsin 3 lastia pyykkiä, lajittelin kaikki sukat, vein petivaatteet pihalle tuulettumaan ja roskat pihalle, pesin vessan ku se haisi niin scheisselle. Kaiken tämän jälkeen hölkkäsin vielä 8 kilsan lenkin ja jumppasin päälle vähän...


outokummussa taas...Tiistai 21.04.2009 15:47


jee rovaniemi jeeTorstai 09.04.2009 14:53

ensin viikonlopuks kuopioon ja siitä viikoks rollo-cityyn... whii ! :) <3 ihqäskdeelol

jee synttärit jeePerjantai 27.03.2009 20:25

päätin hemmotella itseäni ja ostin pakastepizzan ja pinttitölkin sandelsia.......

... ja huomena herätys 06.00 ja 13h duunipäivä räntäsateessa.....