



kylläKeskiviikko 22.12.2010 22:41

elämässä pitää olla jännitystä.

rauhoitettua jouluaSunnuntai 19.12.2010 12:27

ja semmosta
ja silleen

<3Lauantai 18.12.2010 23:03

ja tuhat tapaaTorstai 16.12.2010 00:16

syödä porkkana.

hallow!!!!!nMaanantai 13.12.2010 23:49

krhm, missähän miun tonttulakki on...
...rakas joulumieleni
"And Donald Duck is still in bed"

hysperiaMaanantai 13.12.2010 09:37

en ole ostanu, enkä käyttänySunnuntai 12.12.2010 23:17

perfect stripSunnuntai 12.12.2010 11:30

porrrkkanaLauantai 11.12.2010 23:27

üPerjantai 10.12.2010 21:22

I've been watching you from afar
And I really like what I see
Now the closer and closer to you that I get
The feelings intoxicate me
I will make you mine forever
I only wanna be with you
And it will only be me
Now there is only one thing I can do
What has become of me?
You'll taste the?
Brutal in me
Obsessive me
Your life begins to fade away
Significant made
Mind over yours
I like the smell of your skin
There's no words to say, you say nothing
You're lying here next to me
This is the way I want it to be
My love's a guillotine
You'll taste the?
Brutal in me
Obsessive me
Your life begins to fade away
Significant made
Mind over yours
Brutal in me
Obsessive me
Your life begins to fade away
Brutal in me
Obsessive me
Your life begins to fade away
Significant made
Mind over yours
Mind over yours