


'Cause I'm all messed up, making perfect nonsense

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täydellistäKeskiviikko 13.02.2008 20:55

I donÂ’t want half-hearty love affairs
I need someone who really cares
Live is too short to play as a game
I promised my self I wonÂ’t do that again

ItÂ’s got to be perfect
ItÂ’s got to be worth it (yeah)
Too many people take tenders
But I wonÂ’t take anything less.
ItÂ’s got to be (yeah) perfect

Young heartÂ’s a foolish they make such a days
TheyÂ’re much too eager to give that love away
Well IÂ’ve been foolish to many times
Now IÂ’m determent IÂ’m gonna get it right

ItÂ’s got to be perfect
ItÂ’s got to be worth it (yeah)
Too many people take tenders
But I wonÂ’t take anything less
ItÂ’s got to be (yeah) perfect

Young hearts a foolish
They make
TheyÂ’re much too eager to give that love away
Well IÂ’ve been foolish (yeah) to many times
Now IÂ’m determent I wanna get it right

ItÂ’s got to be perfect
ItÂ’s got to be worth it (yeah)
Too many people take tenders
But I wonÂ’t take anything less
ItÂ’s got to be (yeah) perfect
ItÂ’s got to be (yeah) perfect

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